Dorchester Illustration 2679 Dot Art Visits Dorchester Historical Society

Dot Art Visits Dorchester Historical Society

Dorchester Illustration 2679

We were delighted to welcome students from Dot Art’s summer program to the William Clapp House last week. They focused on the Dorchester Pottery collection as an example of a local industry and the technology involved. We discussed the molds used to produce large quantities of stoneware and the long process of firing the pieces in the pottery’s wood-fired beehive kiln.

They also visited the Roswell Gleason pewter collection, the original kitchen, the barn with its many tools and implements, and the carriage house complete with outhouse.  The students asked many questions about how technology has changed our lives over the years.

When they returned to their base at the Little House, they made works of art using dry clay. We look forward to welcoming another group in August, when the focus will be on the Huebener Brick Collection.

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