Dorchester Illustration no. 2486 View on Blue Hill Avenue
The images is of an agricultural scene “View on Blue Hill Avenue” drawn by O. D. Greene in 1891.
After Dorchester’s annexation to Boston, residential development encroached on agricultural land year after year. This illustration represents a way of life that would soon be only a memory.
The Boston Directory for 1891 has an entry for Oliver D. Greene, salesman, 121 South Street, h. 1 Hanes Pk. By 1900 his entry is Oliver D. Greene (Green & Haley), 19 Howard, Rox. rms. 41 Wheatland Av. It appears that he was an amateur artist. His entry in the 1900 Census listed his age as 39 and his occupation was roofer. He was living as a roomer at Wheatland Avenue. By 1910 he was living at 33 Aspinwall Road with his wife Lillian and her mother. His occupation was still roofing.