Dorchester Illustration no. 2504 Trash incinerator at Neponset
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Refuse burner, almost 100 feet tall, under construction at the Neponset dump off Southeast Expressway. It’s constructed of steel plates set on poured concrete base. Passersby think it look like the node cone of a Cape Canaveral missile.
Published January 10, 1961, Boston Traveler.
By 1970, the incinerator was abandoned. The lower photo is from The Boston Globe, September 24, 1970.
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When I was a kid my father had me convinced King Kong was incarcerated here. The funniest thing ever painted on the tank was in the early 70’s.
The area surrounding the tank was a garbage dump and the then “Boston Patriots” who didn’t have a home field, wanted the city to build a new stadium for them at that location, threatening to move if it wasn’t built.
Unlike most cities at the time, the Boston City Council voted not to use public money to pay for a stadium, and the Pat’s declared they would move to another state.
Patriots fans were furious. One night, a crew of them painted in huge letters on the tank: “THE BOSTON CITY COUNCIL GARBAGE BOWL”.
It all ended up happily. The Pat’s built their own stadium in Foxboro and Boston, unlike a bunch of other cities, was not stuck with millions in debt for a white elephant stadium.