The Gardiner House was located at the bottom of Jones Hill at the corner of Pleasant Street and Sawyer Avenue.
The following is from https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Gardner-15855
Henry Gardner was born at Stow, Massachusetts Bay, in mid-November of 1731, a son of Rev. John Gardner and Mary (Baxter) Gardner. By the early 1770s, Henry Gardner — who had become a lawyer — found himself in sympathy with the cause of the Sons of Liberty, was involved with the Committees of Correspondence, and found himself the treasurer for the rebellious Colonials, gathering Massachusetts Bay taxes and fees that would otherwise have gone to the Crown: in October of 1774, he was elected as Receiver-General of the Massachusetts Provincial Congress. Tradition in Stow has it that the last stop of one of Paul Revere’s associates on April 19, 1775, was at Gardner’s home, warning him of the risk that British troops might come all the way to Stow in an attempt to confiscate the rebels’ funds and likely arrest him as treasurer.
In September of 1778, Gardner married Hannah Clapp of Dorchester, daughter of Colonel Ebenezer Clapp and Elizabeth (Hall) Clapp, and the couple ultimately made Dorchester their home. His death, at age 50, was recorded at Dorchester but reported both there, and in neighboring Boston, in the early fall of 1782.
The Rich Men of Massachsuetts (1851) indicated that Henry Gardner was the richest man in Massachusetts.