Dorchester Illustration 2569 Baker Chocolate Sign Lighting
The top Photograph from CaugthInDot at https://caughtindot.com/dorchester-history-lesson-baker-chocolate-factory/ The bottom photo shows the interior of the Administration building about 1955.
The Lower Mills Civic Association announced the re-lighting of the Walter Baker sign.
You are invited to celebrate the historic lighting of the Walter Baker Factory Sign in Lower Mills Dorchester on Friday June 10th from 6:30 – 8:30 pm at the Walter Baker Artists’ Lofts, 1231 Adams Street, Lower Mills, Dorchester
After 55 years of darkness, we are announcing that the historic Walter Baker sign atop Walter Baker Chocolate Factory Administration building in Dorchester Lower Mills will now be lit each evening. Once again, it will serve as a visual reference point for the neighborhood, and a reminder of the industrial past of Lower Mills and its thriving present, thanks to a Community Preservation Grant from the City of Boston the tireless work of a community-based partnership, the generous support of donors, local businesses, and neighbors.
The Lighting Celebration
The lighting ceremony will be held on Friday June 10th from 6:30 to 8:30 pm. It will be celebration of the vitality of the Lower Mills community, with food from local restaurants, locally made crafts and Baker chocolate factory memorabilia.
A formal thank you to sponsors and all those who made this possible with a special memoriam for Terry Dolan, without whom this would not have happened, will begin at 8pm. Right at sunset at 8:21pm the lights will be turned on. There will be access to the lobby of the Artist’s Loft Building and a Tour starting at 7pm.
For more information about the event for the media and information about participating in the event contact: Mike Skillin – President, Lower Mills Civic Association, 857.207.9001, Skill143@verizon.net
The Administration Building, which was constructed in 1918-1919, housed the executive offices, exhibition rooms, a small chocolate museum and a large-scale reproduction painting of the Baker trademark, La Belle Chocolatiere, by Jean-Etienne Liotard. The angle of the Administration Building, its location with the mills, as well as as its large “Walter Baker” neon sign, created a strong impression and focal point within the Baker’s complex. – Sweet History: Dorchester and the Chocolate Factory, (Boston, The Bostonian Society, 2005)