Community Church of Neponset
Dorchester Illustration 2654
On Nov. 1, 1927, the Appleton Methodist Episcopal Church (organized March 1848), combined with Trinity Congregational Church (organized May 11, 1859), to form the Community Church of Neponset at 51 Walnut Street. It was sometimes called the Church of the Unity, and now it is the Community Church of Neponset.
The top photo of today’s illustration shows a picture of the church published in a flyer about services resuming in the first decade of the 20th century. It is odd that the church was still called the Appleton Methodist Church at that time. The bottom photo shows the church as it looks today. From a study of atlases, the building seems to be same one, remodeled at some point in the 20th century, but no building permit was found for the alterations. We are not sure when the name of the church was changed to Community Church of Neponset.