Geraldine Trotter
Dorchester Illustration 2656
The Boston Women’s Heritage Trail has posted a new trail for Upham’s Corner on their website: https://bwht.org/dorchester-tour/
The following is from the entry on the trail for Geraldine Pindell Trotter, who lived at 97 Sawyer Ave.
“Geraldine Trotter was a Boston-born civil rights activist in the early 20th century who moved to Dorchester after her marriage in 1899. She served as the associate editor of The Boston Guardian, an African American newspaper, co-founded by her husband William Monroe Trotter, which was considered radical at the time because it challenged white progressives who largely saw race relations as a southern problem. Her editing and bookkeeping skills were instrumental in keeping the paper afloat. Her death from pneumonia at age 46 during the 1918 influenza epidemic is seen as one reason for its loss of influence. … “She is celebrated in composer Francine Trester’s “A Walk in Her Shoes,” a musical composition premiered by the Boston Landmarks Orchestra in 2021.”
The Dorchester Historical Society is hosting a program about the Upham’s Corner Trail via Zoom at 3 p.m. on Saturday, March 9. Use this link to register https://www.dorchesterhistoricalsociety.org/event-details/on-the-trail-of-womens-history