The advertisement appeared in the Official Program, Dorchester Day, Saturday, June 7th, 1913.
The Peabody Square Clock was commissioned on 1909 with the description: “a twelve foot, four dial, post clock in the public square, known as Peabody Square, junction of Dorchester and Talbot avenues, Ashmont. Each dial is to be thirty inches in diameter.”
The design of the clock was approved in October, 1909, and by August, 1910, the clock was reported to have been put in place. The clock was made of wood and after 90 years had deteriorated.
The clock was removed and fully restored in metal in 2002-2003, and the clock was welcomed back in May, 2003.
Underneath each of the four clock faces, there is a dog’s head ornament, originally made from wood, now made of bronze.