William Clapp House, Dorchester Illustration 2678
The maintenance of the Dorchester Historical Society’s properties is ongoing and endless, and not always visible. The refurbishment of the entry hallway at the 1806 William Clapp House at 195 Boston St., has been a rewarding exception, carried out by a number of DHS Board members along with skilled professionals.
The project began with stripping the faded and peeling wallpaper and pulling up the worn carpeting. The walls and woodwork were prepped and painted. Then came the challenge of choosing new wallpaper and carpet. After considerable searching and soul-searching (reproduction period papers were beyond our budget), the DHS Board approved “Woodland Chorus” by the English company Sanderson. Last week the wallpaper was installed by an expert paper hanger.
We are very pleased with the result. Stay tuned for the final step, the carpeting of the hallway, which we hope to complete by the fall.