Dorchester Illustration of the Day no. 1875 Underhill

Dorchester Illustration of the Day no. 1875

Compare photos of 69 Adams Street from the 19th century and from 2004.  This house was called Underhill when the May family lived there in the 1850s.  It was probably designed by Dorchester architect Luther Briggs, Jr.


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Dorchester Illustration of the Day no. 1874 Coal Ships

Dorchester Illustration of the Day no. 1874

Photograph of coal ships at Commercial Point with the gasometer behind on the left.  The gasometer held coal gas in a balloon-like structure.


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Dorchester Illustration of the Day no. 1872 Dorchester Potter at Work

Dorchester Illustration of the Day no. 1872

Glass slide showing what may be the earliest known photo of the Dorchester Pottery.  The slide seems to be a vacation picture of a Dorchester potter at work.  This could be the Dorchester Pottery, founded in 1896, or possibly the earlier Trask Pottery on Commercial Point.


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2012 Oct 21 Dorchester Archaeology

City Archaeologist Joe Bagley will speak about Dorchester’s underground – 2 pm

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2012 Oct 7 – Book Launch: Jake Hanna: The Rhythm and Wit of a Swinging Jazz Drummer

Book Launch – Sunday, Oct. 7th, 2 pm

Jake Hanna: The Rhythm and Wit of a Swinging Jazz Drummer.

By Maria Judge.

 Jake Hanna was a Dorchester boy who made the national scene.

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Dorchester Illustration of the Day no. 1871 Edward Southworth School

Dorchester Illustration of the Day no. 1871

Photo showing the Edward Southworth School.  The building was the Mather School, but was renamed for a former principal of the school when the current Mather School building was constructed  in 1905.


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Dorchester Illustration of the Day no. 1870 159 Walnut Street

Dorchester Illustration of the Day no. 1870

Card advertising real estate, 159 Walnut Street, on Port Norfolk, with address and photo on front and description on verso.  Apparently foreclosed property for sale at the end of the Depression.  4/42.  Plus photo of the same property from 9/14/2012.


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Dorchester Illustration of the Day no. 1869 First Church and Lyceum Hall

Dorchester Illustration of the Day no. 1869


First Parish Church and Lyceum Hall

Postcard. Caption on front: E6400 Dorchester, Mass. First Parish Church and Lyceum Hall, Meeting House Hill. Postally unused.

The building of First Parish, built in 1897, is the sixth church building and still stands.  It was designed by Cabot, Everett and Mead with references to Colonial models and is considered one of the finest examples of the Christopher Wren type in this country.

Lyceum Hall was built in 1839-1840 in the Greek Revival style and lasted until 1955.  It was the scene of many social functions, lectures and dances.


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Dorchester Illustration of the Day no. 1868 Ashmont Universalist

Dorchester Illustration of the Day no. 1868

The Ashmont Universalist Church was located at 22 Bushnell Street, corner of Lombard Street behind All Saints Church.  The building is now a private residence.

“This parish [Ashmont Parish] sprung into existence through the earnest efforts of the Rev. Chas. Conklin, State Secretary. The first business meeting was held Mar. 14, 1902, when some forty people met and drew up and signed an agreement of association founding a corporation, the name of which was to be ‘The Ashmont Universalist Parish of Boston.’ The first religious meeting was held in Ashmont Hall, corner of Bushnell and Lombard streets, July 26, 1892. This property was later purchased by the society and here Rev. Chas. Conklin preached and assisted the society until Nov. 7, 1902. At this time [1892?] the Rev. L.O. Williams was called and labored faithfully with this parish nine years, resigning Dec. 7, 1901, going to Stoughton, Mass. From this time the pulpit was filled with supplies until Sept. 1, 1902, when Reverend Merrill C. Ward was called and gave himself devotedly to the work until Sept. 1, 1903, when he was called to Southbridge. At this period of the parish’s history dark clouds of despair hung heavily over the people, but the faithful father of the parish, Rev. Chas. Conklin, rallied the drooping spirits of the people and, inspired with hope and success, the hall was renovated throughout and made into a beautiful chapel with all the necessary appointments needed in any church. In March, 1905, the Rev. Harry Adams Hersey came to us and is giving his earnest efforts to the building up of a strong and united church, and so forgetting the things that are behind we are ‘pressing toward the mark of our high calling in Christ Jesus.’

Leavitt, P.M. Souvenir Portfolio of Universalist Churches of Massachusetts. Boston: The Massasoit Press, 1906.


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Dorchester Illustration of the Day no. 1867 John D Bussell Supply Co

Dorchester Illustration of the Day no. 1867

The John D. Bussell Supply Co. was located at 1869 Dorchester Avenue, on the west side of the Avenue, approximately across from the entrance to Dracut Street.  That number would be included in the property where the brick apartment is located now in the V of Talbot Avenue and Dorchester Avenue on the north side of Peabody Square.

My guess is that today’s illustration probably comes from the 1940s or 1950s.  And how times change.  A good paint was good because it was durable, and what better way to make it so than adding pure white lead?


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