Dorchester Illustration of the Day no. 1867 John D Bussell Supply Co

Dorchester Illustration of the Day no. 1867

The John D. Bussell Supply Co. was located at 1869 Dorchester Avenue, on the west side of the Avenue, approximately across from the entrance to Dracut Street.  That number would be included in the property where the brick apartment is located now in the V of Talbot Avenue and Dorchester Avenue on the north side of Peabody Square.

My guess is that today’s illustration probably comes from the 1940s or 1950s.  And how times change.  A good paint was good because it was durable, and what better way to make it so than adding pure white lead?


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Dorchester Illustration of the Day no. 1866 Edmund J Baker House

Dorchester Illustration of the Day no. 1866

Today we have the Edmund J Baker House.  Edmund J Baker was the son of James, the founder of the chocolate company that later became Walter Baker.  Edmund took over the business in 1804, when his father retired.  Edmund lived at the corner of Washington Street and Richmond Street, where the modern brick office building is located today.

The photo is taken from Richmond Street.  The spire of the First Methodist Church appears in the upper right of the photo, and the Safford House appears in the lower left.  Abraham Lincoln stayed in the Safford House when he visited Dorchester in 1847.  All these buildings are now gone.


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Dorchester Illustration of the Day no. 1865 Franklin Park

Dorchester Illustration of the Day no. 1865

Postcard. Caption on front: General View of Franklin Park, showing Bridge and Duck Pond. Postmarked Dec. 24, 1906 Roxbury Station, with one-cent stamp.  On verso: A 5118 Published by The New England News Company, Boston, Mass., Leipzig, Dresden.


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Dorchester Illustration of the Day no. 1864 Strand Theatre

Dorchester Illustration of the Day no. 1863

Today we have an issue of the Strand Theatre News from 1929 highlighting Clara Bow.  And not that they have actual “talkies.”


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Dorchester Illustration of the Day no. 1863 Clapp Avenue Dorchester North Burying Ground

Dorchester Illustration of the Day no. 1862

Today’s illustration is a photo of Clapp Avenue in the Dorchester Old North Burying Ground.

In the 17th century, the burial ground was simply a cemetery, but in the 19th century the garden cemetery movement had its influence on Dorchester’s Old North with the installation of ornamental shrubbery and bedding out of annuals.

The National Register nomination description says: Dorchester North contains approximately 1200 markers—upright stones of slate, marble, sandstone, granite, and bronze and scores of above-and at-grade tombs in straight ranges.  The various markers displayed range from squat, upright curve-topped slabs from the 17th century to light-toned, slender rectangular steles popular in the late 18h century to the more substantial, thick, varied shapes of the 19th century monuments.  The total effect is more polychrome and varied than any other of the ancient Burying Grounds in Boston.


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Dorchester Illustration of the Day no. 1862 Dickson Buick

Dorchester Illustration of the Day no. 1862

Print advertisement from Koppers Company in Pittsburgh (suppliers of the building materials) showing Dickson Bick showroom at 40 Hallet Street in 1966.  Photo caption: Architect Henry Metivier, Hingham, Mass.  Builder Stephen S. Vlachos & Associates, Inc., Hingham, Mass.

Sentry South Lincoln now occupies the building.


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Dorchester Illustration of the Day no. 1861 Horse-drawn street car

Dorchester Illustration of the Day no. 1861

Scan of a photograph belonging to Stern family, formerly from Fremont Street, Mattapan, so the “trolley” was probably used on Blue Hill Avenue.


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Dorchester Illustration of the Day 1860 Sale of 298 Ashmont Street 1941

Dorchester Illustration of the Day no. 1860

The Depression kept home sale prices down, and there were hundreds if not thousands of properties for sale.  Today’s illustration shows the front and back of one of a series of real estate cards from the collection of the Dorchester Historical Society.

298 Ashmont Street for $8,500 or best offer


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Dorchester Illustration of the Day no. 1859 Boston Fish Market

Dorchester Illustration of the Day no. 1859

I have always been told that quotation marks should not be used for emphasis, and now I can see why.

Boston Fish Market, 1484 Dorchester Avenue.


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Dorchester Illustration of the Day no. 1858 12-14 Lyndhurst Street

Dorchester Illustration of the Day no. 1858

The Boston Landmarks Commission voted last evening to approve an upgrade in the level of significance for the Industrial School for Girls building at 232 Centre Street.  They also approved a National Register nomination for the Sherman Apartments Historic District, 554-546 Washington Street, 4-6, 12-14 and 18 Lyndhurst Street, Dorchester.

Today’s illustration shows 12-14 Lyndhurst Street in 2005.


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