Dorchester Illustration of the Day no. 1815

1874 map on top and 1889 map on bottom
There was quite a bit of discussion in response to my question yesterday whether anyone knows which church is/was the Second Baptist Church.
Bob Rugo noted that the Pilgrim Church website has a reference to the Second Baptist:
On April 6, 1886, Pilgrim Church “Had our first sociable and supper in the Baptist Vestry [Stoughton Street Baptist Church, being the Second Baptist Church in Dorchester (building designed by Stephen C. Earle, the architect of the current home of Pilgrim Trinitarian Congregational Church)] about eighty present.”
Then, although I knew that the Stoughton Street Baptist Church is the Second Baptist, the problem was that the Second Baptist illustration in yesterday’s Dorchester Illustration of the Day does not look like the church that stands at the corner of Stoughton Street and Sumner Street. This problem was solved when
Jeffrey S. Forman wrote:
Hi, noticed the question which came with Earl’s illustration of the day. You asked where the Second Baptist Church was located. I think it may be at the same location where the church is today, although as you realize the current building is not the building in the illustration. I think it is the same location because the Globe Archives indicate that on October 31, 1878, the Second Baptist Church on Stoughton Street burnt down. The Globe Archives then have an article from December 31, 1888, that indicates that the Church was reopened at the same Stoughton St. address after having been reconstructed and enlarged. I have attached the 2 articles.
Transcripts of the articles:
The Stoughton Street Baptist Church Destroyed Last Evening—Loss $10,000
The alarm from box 329 at 10.13 o’clock last evening called the department to a fire in the Baptist Church, at the corner of Stoughton and Sumner Streets. The fire was first discovered in the northeast corner of the church, and before the department could get a stream on the fire, the whole of the eastern end of the building was in flames. A second alarm was rung in in twelve minutes after the first had been sounded, and soon after, the supports of the belfry and spire were burned away, and the tower and bell fell with a crash into the front yard. The flames quickly worked their way through the walls and into the roof. The furniture of the audience room, together with a fine pipe organ and piano, were badly damaged, if not entirely destroyed. The fire was the work of an incendiary, as there had been no fire in the building since Tuesday night, and that was extinguished before the people left the church.
Thanks to the Protective Department, who spread several covers, the valuable library and a second piano were saved. The loss will probably reach about $10,000, and the property is insured for $2500 in the Mutual Marine, $2500 in the Manufacturers, and $4000 in the Quincy Mutual. In going to the fire, steamer 24 broke down on Columbia Street. Albert McIntire, a member of Hook and Ladder No. 4, had the thumb of his left hand nearly severed by a slate falling from the roof. The society is said to be in a flourishing condition and will probably rebuild.
Stoughton Street Curch
Rededication Exercises—Great Improvement of the Edifice
A rededication of the Stoughton Street Baptist Church, which has lately been enlarged and reconstructed, was held last evening at Upham’s Corner, Dorchester.
The order of exercises during the evening consisted of the prayer of invocation by Rev. F.J. Bellamy, scripture reading by Rev. J.H. Gunning, prayer by Rev. Thomas Dixon, Jr., report of committee by R. B. Walker, dedicatory sermon by Rev. James McWhinnie, D.D., addresses by Rev. A.J. Gordon, D.D., and Rev. A.G. Lawson, D.D., prayer of benediction by Rev. D.B. Jutten; benediction by the pastor, Rev. R.J. Adams.
Rev. H.P. Putnam and Rev. J.W. Ballantine assisted in the ceremonies, and excellent vocal music was rendered by the Warren Avenue Baptist choir.
By the new addition the seating capacity of the church has been increased about 250 and 6300 additional square feet of floor area is furnished.
The basement contains a kitchen and closet rooms, and on the first floor are the infant class rooms, ladies’ parlors and small class rooms.
The building is finished in ash and is heated by the most improved steam apparatus. The great improvements made in the edifice are largely due to the generosity of Mrs. David Parker, and will cost about $14,250.
In the illustration we can match the footprints of the church buildings with the shapes of the buildings.
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