Dorchester Illustration World War One Service Member biography: Clarence Vantassel Purssell

Pursell, Clarence Vantassel

Dorchester Illustration World War One Service Member biography: Clarence Vantassel Purssell

At the Dorchester Historical Society, we are in the process of a year-long project to commemorate the 100th anniversary of World War I. Using a collection of photographs we have of WWI Dorchester residents, we will be featuring servicemen in a number of short biographies throughout the year. At the culmination of the project, we hope to produce an online exhibit that highlights these men and their service to our country.

Our next biography features: Clarence Vantassel Purssell.

Written by Donna Albino.

Clarence Vantassel Purssell was born in Boston on July 20, 1894, to James Pursell and Margaret (Wynne) Pursell.  James was born in Ohio, and Margaret was born in Ireland. At the time of Clarence’s birth, James and Margaret were living on Branch Street, which is one block away from the Boston Common. They had one daughter, Winevie, who was about two years old when Clarence was born.

By 1900, the family had bought a home at 1257 Morton Street in Mattapan, in a neighborhood where Clarence would live for the rest of his life. His father James was working as a carpenter and builder. By the time of the next census, Clarence would have a little brother; Roger was three years old in his listing in the 1910 census.

In 1916, Clarence registered for the draft. He was self-employed and working as an electrical contractor in Milton, but still living with his family at 1257 Morton Street in Mattapan. He noted that his mother and younger brother were partially dependent on him, as his father James had passed away the year before. However, that did not keep him from serving in the war. Clarence was a member of Company A in the 317th Field Signal Battalion, and on July 9, 1918, he shipped out from Hoboken, NJ with other members of his battalion on the USS America to go to France.

The Signal Corps was responsible for creating and maintaining communications for the Army. Advances in technology had created new communication methods such as the telephone, radio, and aerial mapping, but the Signal Corps still depended on traditional communication methods such as carrier pigeons and semaphore flags as well. The Field Signal Corps maintained communications between the front lines and the division headquarters, and Clarence’s skills as an electrician probably made him a valuable asset to the 317th Field Signal Battalion.

The 317th Field Signal Battalion was active in two battles in France: the St. Mihiel offensive on September 12-16, 1918, and the Meuse-Argonne offensive, September 26-November 11, 1918. By May, Clarence was back in the United States. The Boston Globe reported on May 25, 1919, that Clarence was shipped with 32 other wounded New England soldiers to Base Hospital for treatment. Base Hospital, operated by Massachusetts General Hospital, was set up to offer a place for recovery and more complicated procedures than soldiers could get at first aid posts. The majority of surgical cases were secondary wound closures, meaning wounds that needed to be cleaned and closed some time after the injury, as well as removal of bullets and shell fragments, setting of fractures, and blood transfusions. Patients with infectious diseases such as pneumonia or influenza were also sent here.

By 1920, Clarence was back home living with his widowed mother, his sister Evie, and his brother Roger in the family home at 1257 Morton Street in Mattapan. He was an electrician at the Edison Power Plant, but also skilled with radio. In 1924, the Edison Light broadcasting department exhibited at a radio show in Boston, where visitors could see and hear the programs put on in a model radio studio. Clarence was the head of the radio operating division at Edison at the time, and he was responsible for the operation of the transmitter for the radio show. In 1925, The Boston Globe reported that Clarence was on the technical staff at Boston radio station WEEI, and he volunteered his services to try and find the source of radio reception problems that were being reported in Weymouth. The Globe reported that Clarence and his coworkers were quickly able to diagnose the problem: a sparrow had built a nest in a fuse box!

Clarence was very active with his church, Village Church in Dorchester’s Lower Mills neighborhood. He and his sister Winevie were occasionally soloists at services, include Easter Service in 1934. He served as president of the Fellowship Club at Village Church in 1931. Clarence also participated in the Boston Young Men’s Christian Union Camera Club, and served as the entertainment chair in 1940.

Clarence continued to live with his mother and sister until his mother’s death in 1945. By that time, they lived at 61 Old Morton Street in Mattapan, less than a quarter mile from their previous location at 1257 Morton Street. When Clarence passed away on August 17, 1968, he and his sister were still living at 61 Old Morton Street.

Sources: Massachusetts, Birth Records, 1840-1915 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2013.

Social Security Administration. Social Security Death Index, Master File. Social Security Administration. Number: 024-07-5568; Issue State: Massachusetts; Issue Date: Before 1951

Year: 1900; Census Place: Boston Ward 24, Suffolk, Massachusetts; Page: 4; Enumeration District: 1531; FHL microfilm: 1240688

Year: 1910; Census Place: Boston Ward 24, Suffolk, Massachusetts; Roll: T624_625; Page: 2B; Enumeration District: 1633; FHL microfilm: 1374638

Year: 1920; Census Place: Boston Ward 21, Suffolk, Massachusetts; Roll: T625_739; Page: 4A; Enumeration District: 523

Year: 1930; Census Place: Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts; Page: 14B; Enumeration District: 0470; FHL microfilm: 2340690

Registration State: Massachusetts; Registration County: Suffolk; Roll: 1685014; Draft Board: 21

The National Archives at St. Louis; St. Louis, Missouri; World War II Draft Cards (Fourth Registration) for the State of Massachusetts; Record Group Title: Records of the Selective Service System, 1926-1975; Record Group Number: 147; Series Number: M2090

The National Archives at College Park; College Park, Maryland; Record Group Title: Records of the Office of the Quartermaster General, 1774-1985; Record Group Number: 92; Roll or Box Number: 370

Battle Participation of Organizations of the American Expeditionary Forces in France, Belgium and Italy 1917-1918 The Spirit of Devotion: MGH in World War I

United States, Veterans Administration Master Index, 1917-1940

The Boston Globe (Boston, Massachusetts) 25 May 1919, Sun Page 3

The Boston Globe (Boston, Massachusetts) 30 Nov 1924, Sun Page 52

The Boston Globe (Boston, Massachusetts) 27 Apr 1925, Mon Page 16

The Boston Globe (Boston, Massachusetts) 01 Dec 1931, Tue Page 8

The Boston Globe (Boston, Massachusetts) 31 Mar 1934, Sat Page 4

The Boston Globe (Boston, Massachusetts) 04 Nov 1940, Mon Page 5

The Boston Globe (Boston, Massachusetts) 19 Apr 1945, Thu Page 19

The Boston Globe (Boston, Massachusetts) 18 Aug 1968, Sun Page 72

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Dorchester Illustration World War One Service Member biography: Russell Gilbert Phipps

Phipps, Russell Gilbert

Dorchester Illustration World War One Service Member biography: Russell Gilbert Phipps

At the Dorchester Historical Society, we are in the process of a year-long project to commemorate the 100th anniversary of World War I. Using a collection of photographs we have of WWI Dorchester residents, we will be featuring servicemen in a number of short biographies throughout the year. At the culmination of the project, we hope to produce an online exhibit that highlights these men and their service to our country.

Our next biography features: Russell Gilbert Phipps.

Written by Camille Arbogast.

Russell Gilbert Phipps was born September 9, 1896, in Milton, Massachusetts. His parents, Gilbert and Lena (Mayo), were from Maine. Married in Boston in October 1887, they owned a house at 210 Eliot Street in Milton. Lena had been a milliner before her marriage. Gilbert, along with his brother Fred, ran the Phipps Bros. Express company, providing delivery services. Lena and Gilbert had three older children: May, born in 1890, Frances in 1892, and Helen in 1893.

In June 1914, Russell graduated from Milton High School and delivered the Class Day Address to Undergraduates. Entering Boston University, he majored in Chemistry and served as a chemistry lab assistant. He participated in many extracurricular activities, including serving as secretary of the YMCA during his sophomore year, on the BU News staff for two years, and as an associate editor of Hub in his junior year. He also pledged Kappa Phi Alpha. We don’t believe Frederick had a Dorchester connection and we were unable to determine why he was included in Dr. Perkins’s collection.

Russell decided to delay his graduation, and on April 12, 1918, he enlisted in the Naval Reserves at the Boston Navy Yard in Charlestown. Four days later, he was sent to the Naval Training School in Hingham, where he remained until May 7. He trained for about two weeks at the Naval Fire Range in Wakefield, before being sent to the Naval Training Camp on Bumpkin Island in Boston Harbor. In early June, he spent a week at the District Enrolling Office in Boston. During his training, he was promoted from Seaman Second Class to Chief Boatswain Mate. On June 18, he entered Officer’s Material School, First Naval District, at Harvard. He graduated from the program on October 14, 1918, though any public commencement ceremony had to be cancelled due to the flu epidemic.

Russell accepted a commission as an ensign. On March 4, 1919, he was transferred from the First Naval District to the USS Mount Vernon, which had recently rejoined the Cruiser and Transport Service after being torpedoed in 1918, and had begun transporting servicemen home from France. Russell was one of a group of ensigns “of the United States Naval Reserve Force, to be ensigns in the Navy, for temporary service,” effective April 22.  In a Navy Directory published July 1, Russell was listed at Base Hospital Number 5, and then, in September 1919, at Naval Hospital, Brest, France.

In 1920, Russell was again living with his parents on Eliot Street, completing his education at Boston University. During his final year, he was class vice-president, played basketball, and served on a number of social event committees. He graduated on June 17, 1920, with a bachelor of science. His motto in the yearbook was “And when a lady’s in the case, You know all things give place.”

In 1921, Russell appeared in the Boston directory as a chemist, living with his parents. He then moved to Illinois. On August 15, 1925, Russell married Hannah Johnsen in Hinsdale, Illinois, her hometown. They had two children, Barbara and Russell, Jr. In 1930, the family lived at 1415 16th Avenue in Maywood, Illinois. On the census that year, Russell’s occupation was recorded as “Copy writer, advertising,” but he was currently unemployed. By 1942, the family had moved to 1113 South 7th Avenue in Maywood. Russell worked in the research lab in the Maywood facility of the American Can Company, a tin can manufacturer. During the Korean War, Russell junior served in the Army as a rifleman and was wounded in action.

Russell died on May 29, 1967. He was buried in Mount Emblem Cemetery in Elmhurst, Illinois.


Birth Certificate, Massachusetts Vital Records, 1840–1911. New England Historic Genealogical Society, Boston, Massachusetts;

Family Tree,

Federal Census 1900, 1910, 1920, 1930;

78th Annual Town Report of Milton Mass for the Year Ending December 31, 1914, Compiled by the Auditors. Boston: Poole Printing Co. Inc.;

Boston University Yearbooks,

Military, Compiled Service Records. World War I. Carded Records. Records of the Military Division of the Adjutant General’s Office, Massachusetts National Guard.

“Harvard Diplomas for Coming Ensigns,” Boston Globe, 14 October 1918: 10;

“Orders to Naval Officers,” 4 March 1919. Army and Navy Register, 15 March 1919: 341;

“Promotions and Appointments in the Navy,” Congressional Record, 10 July1919, 1st Session of the 66th Congress, Vol III. Washington, DC: US Government Printing Office, 1919;

Navy Directory, 1919, Volume III;

“Over 400 Students Get Degrees at B.U.,” Boston Post, 17 June 1920; 17;

Selective Service Registration Cards, World War II: Fourth Registration. Records of the Selective Service System, National Archives and Records Administration;

“Chicagoan Dies in Korea; Seven Suffer Wounds,” Chicago Tribune, 28 Nov 1951; 63;

Death Notices, Chicago Tribune, 30 May 1967; 29;

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Dorchester Illustration World War One Service Member biography: James Arthur O’Neill

Oneill, James Arthur

Dorchester Illustration World War One Service Member biography: James Arthur O’Neill

At the Dorchester Historical Society, we are in the process of a year-long project to commemorate the 100th anniversary of World War I. Using a collection of photographs we have of WWI Dorchester residents, we will be featuring servicemen in a number of short biographies throughout the year. At the culmination of the project, we hope to produce an online exhibit that highlights these men and their service to our country.

Our next biography features: James Arthur O’Neill.

Written by Camille Arbogast.

James Arthur O’Neill, known during his life by either his first or middle name, was born in Boston on August 16, 1894, at 2 Franklin Street. His father, James Arthur Senior, was born in Brooklyn, New York, and was a machinist. His mother, Margaret Louisa (Darrell), born in Boston, worked as a governess before her marriage. James Senior and Margaret were married in Boston in 1893; theirounger sons Roy and Ralph were born in 1898 and 1902.

In 1900, the family lived in Dorchester on at 28 Fuller Street; by 1910 they had moved up the block to number 25. In June 1917, they were living at 1943 Dorchester Avenue. At that time, James Arthur was a stenographer in the Boston office of the B.F. Goodrich Rubber Company. On his World War I draft registration he claimed an exemption from the draft on the grounds that he “expects Civil Service from Washington.” In his notecard for J. Arthur O’Neill, Dr. Perkins noted that James Arthur was a Commissioned Staff Officer in the Coast Artillery Corps, or CAC, with a rank of Sergeant Major, whose service began in December 1917. James Arthur served overseas, sailing from Hoboken, New Jersey, to France with a Detachment of the CAC. In April 1919, he returned to the United States on the USS Princess Matoika, sailing from St. Nazaire, France.

By January 1920, he had married Catherine M. O’Donnell. They lived at 205 Faneuil Street in Brighton and he worked as a field clerk at Army Headquarters. It is possible he was the James A. O’Neill who, according to a Boston Globe article, in November 1919, took the physical and mental examinations for a permanent field clerk position. According to the article, “The test is for stenographers, typists and men with clerical experience” who had been serving as field clerks at the Northeastern Department. Catherine was also a stenographer, working in the insurance industry.

Their first child, Joan Audrey, was born in 1922. In 1924, they moved to Springfield, Massachusetts, where their daughter Elizabeth was born. By this time, James Arthur was a salesman, his occupation through the end of the 1930s. The family lived in Springfield for only a year, then moved to Leicester, Massachusetts. They returned to Dorchester by 1927, when their son Paul was born. The twins, Marion and Marilyn, were born in 1929.

James Arthur’s father died in May 1929. The next year, James Arthur and his family were living with his widowed mother, Margaret, in the home she owned at 8 Fuller Street. Also living at 8 Fuller Street was James’s youngest brother Ralph. His middle brother, Roy, had died in September 1920, of chronic nephritis.

By 1932, James Arthur, his wife, and his children lived in Quincy. They moved around the city during the 1930s, residing first at 60 Newbury Avenue, then in 1935 moving to 94 Edwin in Norfolk Downs, and finally, in 1937, to Hovey Street in North Quincy.

In 1940, they lived at 981 Morton Street in Mattapan. James was again an Army clerk, now a quartermaster clerk, making $1,600 a year. By 1942, they had moved to Nantasket Beach inHull, and were living at 32 Roosevelt Avenue. On his World War II draft registration, James reported that he worked at the U.S. Engineers Army Base in Boston. His son, Paul, served in the Navy during World War II. His daughter Joan was an early stewardess for Northeast Airlines before her marriage in 1943. A notice of her engagement stated the family was “Of Dorchester and Nantasket.”

By 1962, he and his wife again lived in the family home at 8 Fuller Street. James Arthur died on July 5, 1963, in Dorchester. A High Mass of Requiem was held for him at St. Gregory’s Church in Lower Mills. He was survived by his wife and children.


Birth record, Massachusetts Vital Records, 1840–1911. New England Historic Genealogical Society, Boston, Massachusetts;

Family Trees,

1900, 1910, 1920, 1930, 1940 Federal Census;

Boston, Springfield, Quincy directories, various years;

World War I Selective Service System Draft Registration Cards, National Archive and Records Administration;

Lists of Outgoing & Incoming Passengers, 1917-1938. Records of the Office of the Quartermaster General, 1774-1985, The National Archives at College Park, Maryland;

“Take Examination for Permanent Positions,” Boston Globe, 24 Nov 1919, 8;

“Wedding Announced,” Boston Globe, 29 August 1943, 43;

Deaths, Boston Globe, 6 July 1963, 2;

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Dorchester Illustration World War One Service Member biography: Frederick James O’Brien

O'Brien, Frederick J

Dorchester Illustration World War One Service Member biography: Frederick James O’Brien

At the Dorchester Historical Society, we are in the process of a year-long project to commemorate the 100th anniversary of World War I. Using a collection of photographs we have of WWI Dorchester residents, we will be featuring servicemen in a number of short biographies throughout the year. At the culmination of the project, we hope to produce an online exhibit that highlights these men and their service to our country.

Our next biography features: Frederick James O’Brien.

Written by Camille Arbogast.

Frederick James O’Brien, sometimes known as Fred, was born on December 31, 1892, at 59 West Sixth Street in South Boston. His father, John, immigrated from Ireland in 1865 and worked as a teamster. His mother, Elizabeth (Kane), was born in Boston. John and Elizabeth married in Boston in April 1889. Frederick had five siblings: John born in 1890, Anna in 1895, Matthew in 1897, Mary in 1898, and William in 1900.

In 1900, the family was living at 154 West Third Street in South Boston. Three years later, John O’Brien died of tuberculosis at the Free Consumption Home. By the time of John’s death, the family had moved to 40 Langdon Street in Roxbury. In 1910, they were still at 40 Langdon Street. Frederick’s mother worked as a hotel chambermaid and his brother, John, was a street concrete worker. Frederick, too, had gone to work, as a shoe cutter in a factory.

In June 1917, Frederick lived at 55 Monadnock Street in Dorchester, and was as a shoe cutter at W.H. McElwain & Company, shoe manufacturer, in Boston. A year later, Frederick’s address was 11 Fairmont Street in Dorchester. On July 3, 1918, he enlisted in the Navy at a recruiting station in Williamsport, Pennsylvania and he was made a Seaman Second class. On November 11—the Armistice—he was sent to Camp Wissahickon in Cape May, New Jersey. From there, on January 31, 1919, he was stationed in Philadelphia on a receiving ship (a ship in harbor that receives sailors before they are assigned to a crew). He remained on the receiving ship until March 4, when he was placed on inactive duty. He was honorably discharged from service on September 30, 1921.

In 1920, Frederick resided with his family at 11 Fairmont Street, once again working as a shoe cutter. His mother no longer worked outside the home. His sister Anna was a telephone operator and his brother William worked as a shipbuilder in a shipyard. The next year, the Boston directory listed Frederick at 75 Howard Street in the Uphams Corner neighborhood of Dorchester.

In September 1922, Frederick married Elizabeth Bowen. They had three sons: Frederick born in 1924, William in 1926, and Paul in 1928. During this time, they moved regularly, living at 190 Eustis in Roxbury, as well as 56 Fuller Street and 55 Whitten Street, both in Dorchester. Elizabeth died in October 1933.

The 1930 census recorded Frederick and his three sons at 55 Whitten Street, living with Frederick’s mother and two of his unmarried sisters: Anna, a telephone operator, and Mary, a medical stenographer; his brother Matthew had died in 1924. In 1931, Frederick resided at 18 Mildred Avenue in Mattapan. The next year he moved to 45 King Street in Dorchester. At the time of his wife’s death, he lived at 38 Semont Road. In 1935, he was listed at 37 Harbor View Street.

In 1937, he moved once again, this time to 57 Robinson Street. The 1940 census found Frederick, his sons, and sister Anna living there; his sister Mary had died in late 1933 and his mother in 1939. While Anna was still employed as a telephone operator and making $1,248 a year, Frederick had been unemployed for 78 weeks. He reported a yearly income of only $27 and had worked only two weeks in 1939. Their rent was $30 a month. In the directory, he was listed as a laborer.

In 1942, Frederick and Anna moved to 47 Juliette Street. On his World War II draft registration, Frederick reported he was working for the Boston Quartermaster Corps out of the Army Base on Summer Street in Boston. During the war his sons served in the armed forces, William in the Army and Paul in the Navy. Throughout the 1940s, Frederick remained at 47 Juliette Street. The Boston directory listed his occupation as inspector in 1942 and 1948, and in 1943 through 1947 as working for Boston Edison.

In March 1952, Frederick was invested as a Brother in the Pallottines, a Catholic society of apostolic life. He died two years later, on February 6, 1954 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and was buried there in Holy Cross Cemetery and Mausoleum.


Birth record, Massachusetts Vital Records, 1840–1911. New England Historic Genealogical Society, Boston, Massachusetts;

Family Tree;

Federal Census 1900, 1910, 1920, 1930,  1940;

Death record for John J, Massachusetts Vital Records, 1840–1911. New England Historic Genealogical Society, Boston, Massachusetts;

Boston Directory, various years;

United States, Selective Service System. World War I Selective Service System Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration;

Military, Compiled Service Records. World War I. Carded Records. Records of the Military Division of the Adjutant General’s Office, Massachusetts National Guard.

United States, Selective Service System. Selective Service Registration Cards, World War II: Fourth Registration, National Archives and Records Administration;

Deaths, Boston Globe, 18 Oct 1933; 26

Deaths, Boston Globe, 13 May 2003; 23

“In Memory of Paul P. O’Brien 1928-2016” Briton Funeral Homes, Inc.; <>

Deaths, Boston Globe, 8 Feb 1954; 21

“Rev. Fred O’Brien;”

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Dorchester Illustration World War One Service Member biographies: John Edwin Murdock and William Stephen Murdock

Murdock, John E and William Stephen

Dorchester Illustration World War One Service Member biographies: John Edwin Murdock and William Stephen Murdock

At the Dorchester Historical Society, we are in the process of a year-long project to commemorate the 100th anniversary of World War I. Using a collection of photographs we have of WWI Dorchester residents, we will be featuring servicemen in a number of short biographies throughout the year. At the culmination of the project, we hope to produce an online exhibit that highlights these men and their service to our country.

Our next biography features: John Edwin Murdock and William Stephen Murdock.

Written by Camille Arbogast.

In the illustration, John is on the left.

Brothers John Edwin and William Stephen Murdock were born at 15 Bearse Avenue in the Lower Mills neighborhood of Dorchester. John Edwin was born on December 29, 1893, and William Stephen was born on November 9, 1895. The brothers were both known by either their first or middle names at different times in their lives. Their father, John P. Murdock, was born in Canton, Massachusetts, to Irish parents; their mother, Ellen A. (Looby), was born in Dualla, Tipperary, Ireland, and immigrated to the United States in the 1870s. John P. and Ellen married in 1886 at the Cathedral of the Holy Cross in the South End of Boston and settled in Dorchester. Their other children were Alice Margaret born in 1888, Francis born in 1890, Mary born in 1893, Helen born 1898 and Anna born in 1902.

In the 1890s, John P. was a teamster; Boston directories sometimes show him working at 1141 Washington Street. In 1910, the census listed his profession as a plumber, though he still appeared in the Boston directory as a teamster. He and his brother Thomas, a carpenter, owned 15 Bearse Avenue. (Though the 1900 census lists them as renting the property, the 1894 Bromley atlas shows T.C. and J.P. Murdock as owners of the property. They are recorded as owners on the 1910 census.) John P.’s large family lived in one unit of the house, and Thomas, along with their mother, and unmarried siblings, lived in the other. By 1916, Thomas had moved to Milton.

John Edwin took up his uncle’s profession, first appearing in the 1915 directory as a carpenter. This was the profession he gave when he registered for the draft in 1917, stating that he worked for T.S. Murdock (his uncle). John Edwin was drafted and inducted into the Army on June 15, 1918, and was sent to Wentworth Institute as part of a Training Detachment. On August 10, 1918, he was transferred to the Washington Barracks September Auto Replacement Draft Engineers (SARD), Company 3. On September 25, they left for France, departing from Brooklyn on the troopship Plassy. On his notecard for John Edwin Murdock, Dr. Perkins noted that John Edwin was stationed in Liverpool; the SARD Engineers built the American Rest Camp at Knotty Ash in Liverpool, England. John Edwin was promoted to Corporal in December, and Sergeant in January 1919. On May 16, 1919, he returned to the United States, sailing from Brest, France, on the USS North Carolina, one of the last transport ships to dock in Boston. He arrived on May 27 and was discharged at Camp Devens in Ayer on May 31, 1919.

William Stephen graduated from the Dorchester Evening Commercial High School in 1916 and began working as a clerk. On August 5, 1918, he was drafted and inducted into the Army. That morning, he was sent to Syracuse, New York, for military training. On his notecard for William Stephen Murdock, Dr. Perkins noted that William Stephen was later sent to Newport News, Virginia. He served in Guard and Fire Company 322, making Private First Class on September 4, and Sergeant on October 5. He did not serve overseas. On December 14, 1918, he was discharged.

John Edwin and William Stephen both returned to 15 Bearse Avenue after the war and resumed their prior careers, carpenter and clerk respectively. By this time, only their parents and siblings were living at 15 Bearse. On October 5, 1921, John Edwin married Alice Gertrude McManus of Woburn at Woburn’s Saint Charles Church. The couple moved into the other unit at 15 Bearse Ave. In 1922 and 1923 they lived at 52 Fuller Street in Dorchester, but returned to 15 Bearse Ave by 1925 and remained there for over thirty-five years. Their son William Richard was born in 1922, followed by Kenneth in 1933, and Jean in 1937. They also had a son John Edwin who was born and died in 1928.

William Stephen married Mary Eugenia Burke of Buffalo, New York, on August 23, 1927, at Our Lady of the Angels Church in Buffalo. In the late 1920s, they lived in Buffalo. By 1930, they resided in Tonawanda, New York, in a home they owned at 2829 Guide Board Road. Later they lived at 2829 Eggert Road, possibly the same road, renamed. They had five children: Mary, Patricia, William, Thomas, and Sue Ellen. William Stephen was an Insurance Adjuster in Buffalo; on his 1942 World War II draft registration his employer is the (Am) Lumbermen’s Mutual Casualty Insurance Co, 586 Ellicott Square Building, Buffalo, New York.

John Edwin changed careers in 1938, and began working as a janitor at Boston City Hall. In 1950, he came to the aid of a fellow janitor who fell into an elevator well in the City Hall Annex. The Boston Globe reported that the janitor’s “calls for aid were heard by night custodian John E. Murdock, who, with the assistance of patrolman John J. Banks, removed the injured man from the pit with a ladder.” John Edwin retired in 1964. By then he had moved to 10 Granger Street in Wollaston, Quincy. It is possible he was the J. Edwin Murdock, employee of Mary Bowditch Forbes of Churchill Lane in Milton, who, in 1962, was recognized in her will with a $2,000 bequest.

The brothers died in the same month in 1972. William Stephen died on June 8 and was buried in Mount Olivet Cemetery, in Kenmore, New York. John Edwin died on June 19. His funeral mass was held at St. Ann’s Church in Wollaston. He was a member of American Legion ODP #65, which also honored him with a Post ritual.


Birth record, Massachusetts Vital Records, 1840–1911. New England Historic Genealogical Society, Boston, Massachusetts;

Family Trees,

“Mr. & Mrs. Murdock Observe Golden Wedding in Dorchester,” Boston Globe, 8 June 1936, 7;

1900, 1910, 1920, 1930 Federal Census;

Boston, Quincy directory; various years;

Bromley, George Washington and Walter Scott Bromley. Atlas of the city of Boston : Dorchester, Mass.: plate 34. Philadelphia : G.W. Bromley & Co. 1894, Norman B. Leventhal Map & Education Center,

World War I Selective Service System Draft Registration Cards, National Archive and Records Administration;

Lists of Outgoing Passengers, 1917-1938. Records of the Office of the Quartermaster General, 1774-1985, Record Group 92. The National Archives at College Park, Maryland;

Lists of Incoming Passengers, 1917-1938. Records of the Office of the Quartermaster General, 1774-1985, Record Group 92. The National Archives at College Park, Maryland;

“New England Soldiers on The North Carolina,” Boston Globe, 27 May 1919, 8;

“Diplomas Awarded to Evening High Classes,” Boston Globe, 31 March 1916, 2;

“Dorchester District,” Boston Globe, 5 August 1918, 4;

Selective Service Registration Cards, World War II: Fourth Registration. National Archives and Records Administration;

“City Hall Janitor Falls Into Elevator Well,” Boston Globe, 26 April 1950, 19;

City Record: Official Chronicle of Boston Municipal Affairs, Vol 65, No 3, Saturday, January 19, 1964, 48;

“Left in Forbes Estate Famed ‘Lincoln Cabin’ to Become Public Shrine,” Boston Globe, 23 January 1962, 4;

Beneficiary Identification Records Locator Subsystem (BIRLS) Death File. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs;

Stephen Murdock,

“Deaths,” Boston Globe, 20 June 1972; 40;

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Dorchester Illustration World War One Service Member biography: Harold Bertram Stuart

Stuart, Harold B

Dorchester Illustration World War One Service Member biography: Harold Bertram Stuart

At the Dorchester Historical Society, we are in the process of a year-long project to commemorate the 100th anniversary of World War I. Using a collection of photographs we have of WWI Dorchester residents, we will be featuring servicemen in a number of short biographies throughout the year. At the culmination of the project, we hope to produce an online exhibit that highlights these men and their service to our country.

Our next biography features: Harold Bertram Stuart.

Written by Julie Wolf..

Harold Bertram Stuart was born on December 3, 1899, at 94 Armandine Street in Dorchester, to Charles Stuart, a carpenter, and Frances Dingwell, both originally of Prince Edward Island, Canada. Immigrants from the Maritime Provinces settled in large numbers in Boston around the turn of the twentieth century, many of them craftsmen facing unemployment thanks to industrialization of the Canadian lumber and fishing industries. Charles and Frances rented this home until Harold was at least 1. By 1910, they moved to 1160 Washington Street with their four sons. This was Harold’s address for more than two decades, sometimes shared with as many as three generations of Stuarts.

In 1913, Harold’s brother Warren, age 6, died at home after a bout with tonsillitis and pneumonia, and in 1917, his sister, Muriel, was born. The siblings ranged in age from infancy to adulthood. About a year after Muriel’s birth, on September 12, 1918, Harold registered for the World War I draft. A bank clerk at Boston’s National Shawmut Bank at 40 Water Street, he listed his mother as his nearest relative. On November 4, 1918, less than two months after he registered, Harold enlisted in the U.S. Army National Guard. A corporal, he was inducted at Camp Meigs, notable for its training during the Civil War of Massachusetts’s 54th, one of the first regiments of the U.S. Colored Troops sent into battle. In December, Harold entered the First Officers Training School Motor Transport Corps Training Department and was selected for Reserve for four months. Discharged on December 20, 1918, Harold saw no overseas service.

Resuming work as a bank clerk, Harold returned home to 1160 Washington Street, where, in 1920, he still lived with his parents, siblings, and a lodger named Anna Dingwell, his mother’s relation. On December 18, 1920, at the Baker Memorial Methodist Episcopal Church in Uphams Corner, Harold married 18-year-old Marguerite Foley, the daughter of Irish immigrants. The couple resided in the Stuart home, where their son, Charles Carlyle (Carl), was born on January 26, 1925. According to city directories from 1922, 1925, and 1926, Harold switched employers during this period, first working at 70 Federal Street in Boston and later at the O.C. Trust Company at 17 Court Street.

On June 15, 1927, Marguerite—called Margaret in her obituary—died at age 24 in Randolph; her funeral was held at home. Harold remarried sometime before 1930. The census for that year listed his wife, 26-year-old Myra L., as a member of the household, along with Harold’s parents, his son, and his niece Frances, whose parents lived in the same three-story building in a different apartment with address  1156 Washington Street. Harold’s second wife was born Myra Davey in 1903 in Prince Edward Island, like his parents. She immigrated to the United States in 1924.

Harold remained a bank teller through 1934. In 1935, he had a dramatic change in career. The 1935 city directory lists his occupation as “chocolate maker,” and through at least 1944 he worked for Baker Chocolate Company, a major employer in Dorchester Lower Mills and the nation’s first successful chocolate mill. (The family’s lodger, Anna Dingwell, had worked there as a “wrapper,” according to the 1920 census.) Around the same time Harold left (or lost) his bank job, he, Myra, and their son moved a few doors down to 1071 Washington Street, across the street from their church, Wesley United Methodist Church. They still lived here in 1940, with Harold a “mill hand” at a “chocolate mill” and Myra employed in “house work, private house.”

For many years, Washington Street vanished from the paper trail, with Harold and Myra’s whereabouts a mystery. In 1957, no address could be located in the city directory for Harold, now a janitor at Allis-Chalmers Manufacturing Company, but between 1959 and 1963, he and Myra reputedly lived at 54 Norfolk Street. Confusion surrounded this address as early as 1944, however, when a broker named Harold R. Stuart was recorded as living there with his wife, Martha.

Although there was clearly a mix-up in the directory, we determined that Harold and Myra lived out their years in Dorchester. Harold died on November 28, 1972, survived by Myra, his son, and three grandsons. By the time Myra died three years later, a great-grandson had been born. In the end, it seemed members of the Stuart family had always maintained a residence on Washington Street: Myra’s funeral was held at 1156 Washington Street, next door to their first home. Harold and Myra were buried in Dorchester’s Cedar Grove Cemetery.


SOURCES: 1900 United States Federal Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2004. 1910 United States Federal Census [database on-line]. Lehi, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2006. 1920 United States Federal Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2010. 1930 United States Federal Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2002. 1940 United States Federal Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2012. Massachusetts, Birth Records, 1840-1915 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2013. Massachusetts, Death Records, 1841-1915 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2013. New England, Select United Methodist Church Records, 1787-1922 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2014. U.S., City Directories, 1822-1995 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2011. U.S., Department of Veterans Affairs BIRLS Death File, 1850-2010 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2011. U.S., Social Security Applications and Claims Index, 1936-2007 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2015. U.S., Social Security Death Index, 1935-2014 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2014.

Berger, Chris. “Once Decrepit Old Chocolate Factory Now Sweet Rental Lofts.” Curbed, August 26, 2013.

Boston College Department of History. Global Boston. “Canadians.” Massachusetts Births, 1841-1915, database with images. Massachusetts Archives.

FamilySearch. Massachusetts Births and Christenings, 1639-1915, database. United States World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918, database with images. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.

“Harold B. Stuart.” Dr. Perkins WWI Photo Collection.

“Marriage Intentions.” Boston Post. December 7, 1920: 23.

Stevens, Peter F. “Lower Mills Was Once Center of Chocolate Universe.” Dorchester Reporter, May 1, 2014.

“Stuart (Harold B.).” Boston Globe, December 1, 1972: 34.

“Stuart (Margaret).” Boston Globe, June 16, 1927: 22.

“Stuart (Myra).” Boston Globe, October 17, 1975: 41.

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Dorchester Illustration World War One Service Member biography: Thomas Joseph Muldoon

Muldoon,Thomas J

Dorchester Illustration World War One Service Member biography: Thomas Joseph Muldoon

At the Dorchester Historical Society, we are in the process of a year-long project to commemorate the 100th anniversary of World War I. Using a collection of photographs we have of WWI Dorchester residents, we will be featuring servicemen in a number of short biographies throughout the year. At the culmination of the project, we hope to produce an online exhibit that highlights these men and their service to our country.

Our next biography features: Thomas Joseph Muldoon.

Written by Donna Albino.

Thomas Joseph Muldoon was born at 28 Fuller Street in Dorchester’s Ashmont section on November 22, 1893, to Patrick Muldoon and Ellen Ward. Married in Boston in 1887, Thomas’s parents had emigrated to the United States from Ireland in the early 1880s, his mother probably from Galway. Thomas was the eldest of five siblings: Margaret (1896), Mary Ellen (1898), Catherine (1901), and John Francis (1904). Only Thomas, Mary, and John survived to adulthood; Margaret died at age 1, Catherine at age 2. Thomas’s birth home would be the first of four Fuller Street addresses at which he lived for most of his life.

In 1896, when Thomas was three, the Muldoons moved to 20 Fuller Street. At this time, his father Patrick became a laborer for the Sewer Department, where he likely remained until the end of his life. The 1900 census found the family at 46 Fuller, where they stayed for another two decades. Around 1914, Thomas took a job as a stenographer and clerk for the Boston Transit Department, a position he would hold through at least 1948, the latest date available for his work. Transit was his employer on his World War I draft registration card, where he noted that he “partially” supported his parents and brother.

Thomas enlisted in the U.S. Army on December 4, 1917, at Fort Slocum, NY, and was stationed at Camp Joseph Johnston near Jacksonville, FL, starting December 15. By 1918, Camp Johnston had earned the distinction of being “the largest of all the Army’s Quartermaster mobilization and training camps,” home to the nation’s second largest rifle range and a YMCA and school available to soldiers. Promoted to corporal on August 27, 1918, then to sergeant on October 8, 1918, Thomas served in the Officer Service Company 1 in the Camp Quartermaster Corps and was discharged in St. Louis, MO, on January 9, 1919. Back home, Thomas resumed work for the Transit Department. In June, thanks to a department-wide payroll increase, his weekly salary rose from $20 to $21.92. By 1920, the Muldoons had again relocated to a new address on Fuller Street, number 3. With Thomas’s sister newly married to a police officer and living in Milton, the Muldoon household then comprised Thomas, his parents, and his younger brother, John.

For 20-plus years after the war, Thomas’s work as a stenographer for the Transit Department would take him to either 14 Cypher Street in South Boston or the seventh floor of 1 Beacon Street in Boston, with one exception: In 1920 and 1921, he worked at the Supply Department at City Hall Annex, possibly making use of knowledge acquired during his service in the QMC. In 1922, Transit’s annual report listed Thomas among its “clerical force” at the Cypher Street Stockyard, a facility that also employed ironworkers, mechanics, and other such skilled workers.

Thomas was a steadfast member of Dorchester’s Thomas J. Roberts American Legion Post (now in Hyde Park). In 1925, with monetary donations to the post’s charitable funds lagging, he was assigned to a committee dedicated to increasing fund-raising across Dorchester. (Also on the committee was Levi Lecain, another veteran profiled in this series.) In 1927, Thomas was installed as post commander, directing a vast Memorial Day celebration that incorporated all of Dorchester’s several American Legion posts. Even after his term ended, Thomas remained active in the post, managing the funds for its annual Christmas drive in 1929, which served Codman Square’s neediest families.

When the 1930 census was enumerated, the Muldoon brothers, both single, were living with their parents at 3 Fuller Street. Both Thomas and John were recorded as World War I veterans, but this seems unlikely in the case of John, who was born in 1904 and would have been just 15 at the war’s end. Their father died in 1933.

In the 1940 census, Ellen appeared as the widowed head of household of 3 Fuller Street. Thomas, age 46, continued working for the Transit Department, while John, 36, had taken a job as a laborer at the Baker Chocolate Factory. In addition, Ellen’s cousin, a 46-year-old hairdresser from Ireland named Mary J. Gannon, lived with them. She died later that year. On his registration card for World War II’s “Old Man’s Draft,” Thomas listed his brother, not his mother, as his contact.

Thomas’s mother died on October 8, 1948. After this, Thomas vanished from the paper trail until his own “sudden” death in Boston in 1960.  He never married. Thomas was survived by his brother, John, who would die in 1966; their sister Mary had predeceased Thomas by just over a month. His funeral was held at the Milton Funeral Home, and, as had been done for his parents years before, Solemn High Mass of Requiem was offered for him at St. Gregory’s Church on Dorchester Avenue, a mile away from where the Muldoon family had last lived together.

SOURCES: 1900 United States Federal Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2004. 1910 United States Federal Census [database on-line]. Lehi, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2006. 1930 United States Federal Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2002. Massachusetts, Marriage Records, 1840-1915 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2013. Massachusetts, Town and Vital Records, 1620-1988 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2011. U.S., City Directories, 1822-1995 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2011. U.S., Social Security Death Index, 1935-2014 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2014. U.S., World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2005. U.S., World War II Draft Registration Cards, 1942 [database on-line]. Lehi, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2010.

“Boston News Briefs and Personal Paragraphs: Milton.” Boston Globe, July 13, 1936.

Boston Transit Dept., Annual Report of the Transit Department, for the Year Ending January 31, 1921 (Boston: Printing Department, 1921).

City Record, vol. 14 (Boston: Printing Office, 1922), 815.

“Camp Joseph E. Johnston.” Florida in World War I.

Documents of the City of Boston for the Year 1921 in Four Volumes. Vol. II. (Boston: Printing Department, 1922), 31.

“Dorchester District.” Boston Globe, January 22, 1926: 13.

“Dorchester Vets Pay Tribute: Only One Grand Army Man Will Be in Line.” Boston Globe, May 29, 1936: 13.

“18 Dorchester G.A.R. Vets May March in Parade.” Boston Globe, May 27, 1927: 10.

“1948—Ellen Muldoon—1950.” Boston Globe, October 8, 1950: 51.

FamilySearch. Entry for Thomas J. Muldoon, “Pedigree Resource File,” database.

FamilySearch. Massachusetts Births, 1841-1915, database with images.

FamilySearch. Massachusetts, Town Clerk, Vital and Town Records, 1626-2001, database with images.

FamilySearch. United States Census, 1940, database.

FamilySearch. United States, Veterans Administration Master Index, 1917-1940, database.

“For Arlington-St Subway Station… Salaries Increased.” Boston Globe, June 19, 1919: 2.

“Gannon.” Boston Globe, May 15, 1940: 26.

“Greater Boston News Briefs and Personal Paragraphs: Dorchester District.” Boston Globe, November 27, 1929: 16.

“Inject Fresh Pep into Legion Drive.” Boston Globe, June 9, 1925: 2.

List of Authorized Abbreviations: World War I Service Discharge Cards.

“Lynes.” Boston Globe, April 2, 1960: 6.

Massachusetts Vital Records, 1840–1911. New England Historic Genealogical Society, Boston, Massachusetts.

“Muldoon (Catherine A.).” Boston Globe, October 8, 1903.

“Muldoon (Ellen).” Boston Globe, October 9, 1948: 13.

“Muldoon (Margaret).” Boston Globe, June 10, 1897.

“Muldoon (Patrick).” Boston Globe, January 27, 1933: 31.

“Muldoon (Thomas J.).” Boston Globe, May 30, 1960: 50.

Officials and Employees of the City of Boston and County of Suffolk with Their Residences, Compensation, Etc., 1920 (Boston: Printing Department, 1920), 220, 335.

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Dorchester Illustration World War One Service Member biographies: Arthur Clarence McIntosh, George Edward McIntosh, James Albert McIntosh

McIntosh, George E no 76

Dorchester Illustration World War One Service Member biographies: Arthur Clarence McIntosh, George Edward McIntosh, James Albert McIntosh

At the Dorchester Historical Society, we are in the process of a year-long project to commemorate the 100th anniversary of World War I. Using a collection of photographs we have of WWI Dorchester residents, we will be featuring servicemen in a number of short biographies throughout the year. At the culmination of the project, we hope to produce an online exhibit that highlights these men and their service to our country.

Our next biography features: Arthur Clarence McIntosh, George Edward McIntosh, James Albert McIntosh.

Written by Camille Arbogast.

We have a photo of only George Edward McIntosh.

Three McIntosh brothers served in World War I: Arthur Clarence, born May 9, 1894, George Edward born February 24, 1897, and James Albert born April 3, 1900. Their father, Arthur Franklin McIntosh, was born in Dorchester; in childhood he lived on Cedar Street. As an adult, he worked for plate glass manufacturers in Boston, including as a glass cutter at 61 Portland Street, and later as a superintendent at the Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company. In January 1893, he married Annie Marie (Elliott) of Charlestown, who worked as book folder before her marriage. In addition to Arthur, George, and James, they had four other children: Annie born in 1895, Robert in 1907, Edith in 1909, and Franklin in 1912.

At the time of Arthur’s birth, the family resided at 10 Buttonwood Street. They were living at 864 Dorchester Avenue by when George was born. A year later, they moved to Avondale Place. When James was born, they were at 1069 Washington Street; seven years later they were just up the street at number 1071. In 1910, they lived at 24 Idaho Street and in 1912 at 19 Grant Place. By 1914, they had purchased 6 Monson Street in the Lower Mills neighborhood of Dorchester.

George was the first to join military service. On his notecard for George E. McIntosh, Dr. Perkins noted that George wanted to enlist and attempted to do so “several times, rejected each time as underweight.” Eventually, he made his way to Fort Warren on Georges Island in Boston Harbor, the headquarters of the Coast Defenses of Boston. There, he was accepted, enlisting on December 13, 1917. He trained at Fort Warren, remaining there until September 18, 1918. On September 23, he sailed overseas, leaving from Hoboken, New Jersey, on the USS Mongolia. According to Dr. Perkins’s notes, George arrived in France on October 6, 1918.  He was a private in the Fort Warren September Automatic Replacement Draft, Unit 3, Coast Artillery Corps (CAC), serving in Battery D, Tractor Artillery Replacement Battalion. In late January 1919, he returned home on the RMS Cedric, as part of Headquarters Company, 44th Artillery, CAC, sailing from Brest, France, and reaching New York on February 4, 1919. George was discharged on February 15, 1919.

Next to join the service was the oldest brother, Arthur. At the time of the first draft registration in June 1917, he reported that he was self-employed as an electrical contractor, working out of 45 India Street in Boston; the Boston directory lists this address for Brown and Company, electricians. He was a graduate of the Mechanic Arts High School, as well as the Franklin Union (now the Benjamin Franklin Institute of Technology), where he later taught. He enrolled in the Navy on March 28, 1918. On his notecard for Arthur C. McIntosh, Dr. Perkins noted that Arthur was a “Chief Electrician” at the “Naval Experimental Station New London [Connecticut]. … stationed at the Marine Ironworks, New London.” Arthur was later a chief petty officer, according to his obituary. He was discharged on January 29, 1919.

James, also a graduate of the Mechanic Arts High School, enrolled at the Boston Navy Yard, in Charlestown, on May 13, 1918, as a Seaman Second Class. He was sent to the Naval Training Station at Newport, Rhode Island on May 21, and remained there until June 14. For three months, he was stationed at the Second Naval District Patrol Section Base. On September 13, he was transferred to the Receiving Barracks, New London, where he remained until the Armistice. On his notecard for James A. McIntosh, Dr. Perkins noted James was in the “Production Section” at New London, Connecticut. James was placed on Inactive Duty from the Naval Experimental Station in New London on April 18, 1919, and was honorably discharged on September 30, 1921, due to lack of funds.

In 1917, Arthur had married Margaret J. Watson of Dorchester. By July 1919, they were living at 90 Argyle Road in East Braintree, and he was working as an electrician. In Braintree, he served as the founding scout master of Boy Scout Troop 7. By 1920, he and Margaret had a daughter, Edna.

Also living at 90 Argyle Road in January 1920, was his brother James and his wife. James had married Margaret B. Wilkie on November 24, 1919, in Rhode Island. The couple did not remain long at 90 Argyle Road, moving to Milton by February, when their son James, Jr. was born. In 1920, James was a machinist in a shipyard. Six years later, he began working as a clerk at Walter Baker Chocolate, where he remained for the rest of his career.

After the war, George returned to 6 Monson Street. He was a clerk at the Walter Baker Chocolate Co., where, he too, worked for the rest of his career, later as a bookkeeper, accountant, and, eventually, assistant head of the order and billing department. In 1922, George married Mary Elizabeth Murphy, a Boston telephone operator, in a ceremony in Nashua, New Hampshire. They had two children: Gertrude and John. In 1924, they lived at 26 Homefield Avenue in Hyde Park, then returned to Dorchester, living in 1927 at 54 Semont Road, and in 1928 at 102 Glenrose Road. In 1931, they moved to 9 Rector Road, where they lived through the early 1970s.

By 1924, Arthur and his family were living in Quincy, in a home they owned at 47 Vershire Street. Arthur was an electrical instructor; it was probably at this time that he taught at the Franklin Union. In 1930, he and his family moved to Walpole, where Arthur began working at the L.F. Fales Machine Company at East and Elm Streets. He remained with the company for the rest of his life, eventually becoming the president. In 1940, he was making $8,000 a year. By that time, Arthur owned 8 Prospect Street in Walpole, valued at $7,500. In 1942, the family lived at 8 Lake Avenue, Walpole.

James remained in Milton, living on Essex Street. By 1930, his brother-in-law, David Wilkie, had joined the household. A civil engineer, David was out of work, performing odd jobs when he could. David was still unemployed in 1940. James’s steady work at Walter Baker brought in a salary of $2,000 a year. His son, James, Jr., a college student, worked 28 weeks in a boarding house, earning $300. In 1958, James’s wife Margaret died. In the early 1960s, he remarried, wedding Mary Eisenahuaer. James died on February 11, 1973, at the Milton Hospital after a long illness. He was buried in the Milton Cemetery.

In 1975, George’s wife Mary died. By then, they had moved from 9 Rector Road, their home for 40 years, and were living at 74 Georgetowne Place in Hyde Park. George had retired in the early 1960s. By 1979, he lived on O’Neill Drive in Dedham. It was there that he died of a heart attack on April 19, 1979. He was buried Knollwood Memorial Park in Canton. He was a past commander of World War I Veterans Barracks of Boston, as well as a member of the Odd Fellows of Dorchester; the Jacob Jones Post, Veterans of a Foreign War, Dedham; and the Dedham American Legion.

Arthur died on April 17, 1980, at Norwood Hospital after a long illness. His wife Mary died a month later. They are interred in the Rural Cemetery in Walpole. Arthur was a member of the Azure Masonic Lodge.


Massachusetts Vital Records, 1840–1911. New England Historic Genealogical Society, Boston, Massachusetts;

Family Trees;

U.S. Federal Census, 1880, 1900, 1910, 1920, 1930, 1940;

Boston, Braintree, Quincy Directories, various years;

World War I Selective Service System Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration;

Military, Compiled Service Records. World War I. Carded Records. Records of the Military Division of the Adjutant General’s Office, Massachusetts National Guard.

Beneficiary Identification Records Locator Subsystem (BIRLS) Death File. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs;

Fort Warren, <>

Lists of Outgoing & Incoming Passengers, 1917-1938. Records of the Office of the Quartermaster General, 1774-1985, The National Archives at College Park, Maryland;

“Several Mechanic Arts Seniors Wear Khaki,” Boston Globe, 22 Jun 1917: 8;

“Braintree,” Boston Globe, 2 July 1919: 4;

Marriage Records, George McIntosh & John McIntosh: New England Historical Genealogical Society; New Hampshire Bureau of Vital Records, Concord, New Hampshire;

Rhode Island, Marriage Index, 1851-1920;

“U.S. Will Still Be Best Fed, Asserts General Foods Head,” Boston Globe, 24 Dec 1941: 19;

Selective Service Registration Cards, World War II: Fourth Registration. Records of the Selective Service System, National Archives and Records Administration;

Deaths, Boston Globe, 31 July 1958: 29;

“J.A. McIntosh,” Boston Globe, 13 February 1973: 41;

Death Notices, Boston Globe, 1 Oct 1975: 63;

“George McIntosh, 82,” Boston Globe, 22 April 1979: 95;

“Arthur C. McIntosh, 85,” Boston Globe, 18 April 1980: 39;

Arthur McIntosh, George McIntosh,

Massachusetts Grand Lodge of Masons Membership Cards 1733–1990. New England Historic Genealogical Society, Boston, Massachusetts;

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Dorchester Illustration 2433 Baker Chocolate Recipe Pamphlets

2433 Baker Chocolate Recipe Pamphlets

Dorchester Illustration no. 2433      Baker Chocolate Recipe Pamphlets

Promotional cookbooklets are well-known today. They are a special category of cookbook publishing in which a company distributes recipes that uses its own products. With a product code snipped from the package and nominal handling fee, Knox Gelatine will send a pamphlet of recipes using its product, Durkee-Mower will send a pamphlet with recipes using Marshmallow Fluff, and Cuisinart will send recipes using its food processor. Although in the 21st century this phenomenon may be waning as companies set up websites that distribute the recipes more efficiently, the publishing of promotional cookbooklets has been popular for nearly 200 years. In the early to mid 19th century, almanacs carried recipes — especially almanacs published by the patent medicine companies. In the second half of the century, the practice was in full-swing.

This period also saw the proliferation of cookbook publishing and the beginning of the cookbook author as minor celebrity. Cookbook authors opened schools of cookery and began to lecture for fundraising and for the promotion of efficiency and scientific methods. Fannie Farmer, for example, is cited for introducing the practice of level measurements in cooking. Many authors endorsed the products of local companies and created recipes for them. Mary Lincoln, a principal teacher of the Boston Cooking School, wrote the recipes for a pamphlet published by the White Mountain Freezer company, a New Hampshire manufacturer of ice cream freezers. Fannie Farmer, another head of the Boston Cooking School, wrote the recipes for the Rumford Cook Book, a publication of the Rumford Chemical Works, a manufacturer of baking powder in Rhode Island. Janet McKenzie Hill, yet another principal of the Boston Cooking School, wrote Worcester Recipes for the Worcester Salt Company.

The first known recipe pamphlet issued by Walter Baker & Co. was entitled An Account of the Manufacture and Use of Cocoa and Chocolate and was published in 1876. The next was Chocolate Receipts, which was published about 1880. In addition to publishing recipes, Baker extols the nutritional value of chocolate and cites many experts. Christoph Wilhelm Hufeland, a German physician, is quoted: “I recommend good chocolate to nervous, excitable persons; also to the weak, debilitated and infirm; to children and women. I have obtained excellent results from it in many cases of chronic deseases of the digestive organs.” The first teacher of the Boston Cooking School, Maria Parloa, wrote many of the recipes for Walter Baker & Co.’s 1899 pamphlet, Choice Recipes. She was a well-known cookbook author and teacher. The Appledore Cook Book, her first, was published in 1872. Though little is known of her early life, she attended the Maine Central Institute when she was 28 years old. The Appledore Cook Book, published the next year, tells us that she had worked as a cook in private families and had worked as a pastry chef in several New Hampshire hotels. She went into teaching in Mandarin, Florida, where she gave her first lecture on cooking to raise money for the purchase of an organ for the local Sunday School. Encouraged by her success, she opened a cooking school in 1877 on Tremont Street in Boston. In 1879 she agreed to teach at the Boston Cooking School, a project of the Women’s Education Association. Over the years she published Miss Parloa’s New Cook Book and Marketing Guide (1881) and Practical Cookery (1884) as well as writing many articles for the Ladies’ Home Journal, of which she was a part owner.

Like her other cookbooks, Choice Recipes went through many editions. The 1899 and 1901 editions were written by Miss Parloa and Elizabeth K. Burr of the Domestic Science Department of the YWCA of Boston. The 1902 edition was written by Miss Parloa and other teachers, lecturers and writers. In 1912 the publication was called Chocolate and Cocoa Recipes by Miss Parloa with a second section “Home Made Candy Recipes” by Mrs. Janet McKenzie Hill. Miss Parloa had died in 1909, and by 1925 the pamphlet was entitled Chocolate and Cocoa Recipes by Celebrated Cooks, still with Mrs. Hill’s section on “Home Made Candy Recipes.” Although the title page went through these changes, the cover-title continued as Choice Recipes throughout the many years of publication. Another Baker pamphlet was Delicious Cold Drinks and Desserts for Hot Weather,  published in 1917.

In 1927 the Postum Cereal Co. acquired Walter Baker & Co., and in 1928 Walter Baker & Co. issued two cook booklets with no authors listed: Famous Recipes for Baker’s Chocolate and Breakfast Cocoa; and Perfect Chocolates of Your Own Making. The Secrets of Dipping with Baker’s DOT Chocolate. [Could DOT mean Dorchester?] General Foods was formed in 1929 through a merger of Postum and Clarence Birdseye’s firm, and in 1929 General Foods issued Chocolate Cookery. In 1931 they issued Best Chocolate and Cocoa Recipes and in 1932 Baker’s Best Chocolate Recipes. Other pamphlets were issued such as Famous Chocolate Recipes (1936); Chocolate Candies You Can Make (1936); Baker’s Sampler Book of Famous Chocolate Recipes (1936); My Party Book of Tested Chocolate Recipes (1938); and Baker’s Favorite Chocolate Recipes (1945).

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Dorchester Illustration World War One Service Member biography: Francis Aloysius McDermott

McDermot, Francis A no 126

Dorchester Illustration World War One Service Member biography: Francis Aloysius McDermott

At the Dorchester Historical Society, we are in the process of a year-long project to commemorate the 100th anniversary of World War I. Using a collection of photographs we have of WWI Dorchester residents, we will be featuring servicemen in a number of short biographies throughout the year. At the culmination of the project, we hope to produce an online exhibit that highlights these men and their service to our country.

Our next biography features: Francis Aloysius McDermott.

Written by Camille Arbogast.

Francis Aloysius McDermott, known as Frank, was born June 20, 1888, in Mattapan at 10 Eagle Mill Place (today’s Riverway shopping center). His father, James F., born in Dorchester to Irish parents, was a blacksmith. His mother, Frances (Kelty), known as Fannie, was born in Boston and also had Irish ancestry; she worked a domestic before her marriage. Married in 1887 in Hyde Park, they had nine other children: James born in 1890, John in 1891, Arthur in 1894, Clement in 1896, Mary in 1897, Frances in 1899, George in 1903, Raymond in 1905, and Alice in 1906. Two of the children died in childhood: Clement died suddenly in 1905 of intestinal indigestion, and Raymond in 1906 of pneumonia, a complication of measles.

In 1900, the family lived at 28 Mount Hope Street. By 1910, Frank, his father, and his brother Arthur were living at 55 River Street, the home of Frank’s grandfather Bryan McDermott and aunt Mary McDermott. Frank’s mother died in 1916.

Frank was still living at 55 River Street in 1917 when he registered for the draft. By then, he was a wire expert working for the wholesale electrical supply house Pettingill-Andrews Company at 489 Atlantic Avenue in Boston. He was drafted and inducted into the National Army on March 26, 1918 and assigned to E Company, 37th Engineers, who specialized in electrical and mechanical work. The 37th Engineers trained at Fort Myer, outside of Washington, D.C. On June 1, 1918, Frank was made a Corporal.

On June 30, after enjoying coffee, cake, and cigarettes dispensed by the Red Cross, the 37th Engineers boarded the HMS Mauretania in New York City, headed for Europe. The ship carried them to Liverpool, England, where they took a train to Southampton, then boarded the very small, very crowded channel boat Antrim to Cherbourg, France. Taking a train to their ultimate destination, they passed through Paris. Seeing the Eiffel Tower was so exciting, one man fell out of the open car while looking at it. This first journey ended in Neufchateau where, according to the company history, the men mainly did “stevedore work.”

In late July, during the Chateau Thierry engagement, E Company was attached to the Chief Engineers office and handled the electrical and mechanical requirements of the First Army. Their projects included overhauling a chateau to be used as headquarters, constructing a pier on the river for the evacuation of wounded by boat, repairing power lines damaged by shell fire, and installing electric plants. On August 16, a German bombing squadron attack dropped 19 bombs amongst their pup tents. Most of the bombs were “troop bombs” which exploded before hitting the ground, spraying shrapnel. Four men were killed and 12 seriously wounded.

On August 30, 1918, Frank was promoted to Sergeant. During the St-Mihiel engagement, his platoon was sent to Dieulouard, where Frank was put in charge of the company’s tool storeroom. In Dieulouard, the Platoon was constantly under heavy shell fire, and airplanes battled overhead daily. As the company history described it, “Shells had made living above ground almost unbearable, & the men were forced to seek shelter in dugouts, not particularly conducive to machine shop work.”

In mid-September the company moved to Clermont-en-Argonne in the Meuse-Argonne sector to prepare for the next major engagement. After the main drive was over, E Company followed in the battle’s wake, installing and operating pumps and electrical stations, and salvaging electrical and mechanical items abandoned by the retreating Germans. On October 1, Frank was promoted to Supply Sergeant.

After the Armistice, most of the company moved to Verdun, working as an advanced unit for railroad construction, preparing the right of way for track laying, inspecting track and structures, and making temporary repairs. At the end of November, E Company drove a train to Coblenz, Germany, performing reconnaissance ahead of the arrival of the Third Army into Germany. In December, they were called back to France, to serve guard duty in Lorraine. Finally, in March, E Company sailed for the United States, leaving from St-Nazaire, sailing on the USS Princess Matoika. They reached the United States on March 20. Frank was discharged on April 4, 1919.

On July 16, 1919, Frank married Julia Sarah Lewis, a school teacher from Newton. Frank and Julia were married at St. Patrick’s Church in Watertown by Father Richard Splaine. They moved in with Julia’s family at 173 California Street in Newton. Julia’s father, George, a British immigrant, worked as a dyer at the Lewando’s French Dying and Cleansing plant in Watertown. Frank continued with his pre-war career, as a wire expert. Their son, Francis G., was born in 1920.

Frank and Julia bought their own house in Watertown, at 18 California Park. Frank was involved with the Watertown American Legion and served as Post Commander in 1938. In the early 1930s, Frank was a travelling salesman, selling electrical items. In January 1936, he was in the running for a Civil Service job as a storekeeper at the Worcester State Hospital. By 1940, he was the Storekeeper at the State Prison Colony, in Norfolk, Massachusetts, making $2,500 a year. By that time, he and his family were again residing at 173 California Street in Newton. Julia’s widowed father lived with them until his death in 1941. During World War II, his son Francis piloted a dive bomber in the Solomon Islands in the Pacific, for which he was awarded an Air Medal.

Frank died on September 23, 1952. A funeral was held at his home on California Street and a Solemn High Mass of Requiem was celebrated at St. Patrick’s Church in Watertown. Frank was buried in St. Patrick’s cemetery in Watertown.


Birth Record, Massachusetts Vital Records, 1840–1911. New England Historic Genealogical Society, Boston, Massachusetts;

Eagle Place: Atlas of Dorchester, West Roxbury and Brighton, City of Boston, 1899, Leventhal Map Collection, Boston Public Library;

Family Trees,

Federal Census 1900, 1910, 1920, 1930, 1940;

Deaths, Boston Post, 26 April 1916, 22;

United States, Selective Service System. World War I Selective Service System Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration;

Military, Compiled Service Records. World War I. Carded Records. Records of the Military Division of the Adjutant General’s Office, Massachusetts National Guard.

Lists of Outgoing & Incoming Passengers, 1917-1938. Records of the Office of the Quartermaster General, 1774-1985, The National Archives at College Park, Maryland;

Brown, H.C. History of E Company, 37th U.S. Engineers. Boston: George H. Ellis Co, 1919;

“McDermott-Lewis,” Boston Globe, 17 July 1919, 6;

“Watertown A.L. to Hear Defense Address,” Boston Globe, 14 March 1938, 4;

“17 on Civil Service Have Job Prospects,” Boston Globe, 1 Jan 1936, 9;

Selective Service Registration Cards, World War II: Fourth Registration. Records of the Selective Service System, National Archives and Records Administration;

“Newton Marine Corps Flyer is Awarded Air Medal,” Boston Globe, 10 Nov1943, 36;

“Deaths,” Newton Graphic, 2 Oct 1952, 8;

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