Dorchester Illustration no. 2169 Oakland Hall, Mattapan Square

Dorchester Illustration no. 2169 Oakland Hall


Oakland Hall stood at the corner of River Street and Oakland Street (now Cummins Highway).  As noted below it was moved on its lot to face Mattapan Square more conveniently.  Does anyone know when it was taken down?


upper picture:


Boston Globe, Jan. 5, 1908

Will Start New Parish

Rev Fr Francis J. Ryan Will Have Mass in Oakland Hall in Mattapan Today – Plans for a Church Later

In Oakland hall, close to Mattapan sq, in Mattapan, the Catholic people of that place will assemble this morning for the first time as parishioners of an independent parish to be built up under the direction of Rev Fr Francis J. Ryan.  He was appointed about a week ago to take charge of this section which heretofore had been a mission attached to St Gregory’s parish of Milton [!]. ..

lower picture:

Oakland Hall, Mattapan

Fancy This no. 224 by Jack Frost published in Boston Herald September 10, 1935

How Boston Beat Milton By a Penny

Trustees of the Boston Public won an unexpected penny n Jan. 9, 1924, when a trust fund provided for in the will of Emor Hollingsworth, 19th century litterateur, was divided.  The Boston library branch in Mattapan received $11,484.64 and the Milton library branch in Mattapan, second beneficiary, ot $11,484.63.  Milton lost out, to the extent of the penny, because the Boston library was deemed to have a more expensive organization.

Mr. Hollingsworth’s will, seeking to benefit the two Mattapan branches, directed that a hall now known as Oakland hall be built for Mattapan, with profits from rentals to be given the library branches.

The building went up in 1872 and later was moved so that its entrance would be more conveniently reached from Mattapan Square.  It now is at River Street and Cummins Highway.


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Dorchester Illustration no. 2168 Dorchester High School for Boys strike

Dorchester Illustration no. 2168 Dorchester High School for Boys strike

Dorchester Illustration no. 2168


Today it is hard to imagine that there were rules for clothing worn to school in former years.  The illustration is a press photo that probably ran in a Boston newspaper. Newspapers in other cities picked up the story from the wire services.


Binghamton (NY) Press, October 16, 1950

500 Stage School Strike Over Ban on Dungarees

Boston–(U.P.)–Pupils stated a strike today for permission to wear dungarees at Dorchester High School for Boys.  Some 500 students stayed away from classes.

Headmaster Albert F. Reed said he understood the strikers wanted to wear dungarees to industrial shopwork classes.

Crowds of pupils at the school gate chanted: “We want dungarees.”

A squad of police preserved order on the school grounds.

Reed estimated that 100pupils showed up for classes on schedule, but added that he believed several hundred” others would have entered the school if they had not been intimidated by the “ringleaders.”

“I think the small boys are afraid of the big ones,” he said.

The school has a total of about 600 pupils, about one-third of whom take the industrial course. Pupils are required to wear either street clothes or cotton khaki drill uniforms to all classes.

Reed said he did not consider it unjust to forbid dungarees “since khakis are a lot cheaper for boys who don’t want to wear their suits to shop work.”

A spokesman for the students said the strikers also sought repeal of a new school rule forbidding unrestricted visits to locker rooms.

Reed said the students never had complained about the rule on dungarees and locker rooms visits.


Lewiston Daily Sun, October 17, 1950

Dorchester High Students Strike

Quit Classes, Demonstrate Against School Rules

Boston, Oct. 16 – AP- Police today talked 300 high school boys into settling a “strike” that kept them away from classes two hours.

But before the students went back to Dorchester High School for Boys, police said this happened:

One group of boys smashed milk bottles against parked cars, littering nearby Norfolk Street with broken glass.

Some 200 others invaded the grounds of the girls’ high school at Codman Square.

Finally six policemen rounded up the boys, who filed into the building in lines of five.

The strikers objected to school regulations forbidding the wearing of dungarees in industrial classes and limiting the number of visits to the locker room.  Headmaster Alfred F. Reed reused to change the rules after a meeting with a student committee.



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Dorchester Illustration no. 2167 Ashmont Station

Dorchester Illustration no. 2167 Ashmont Station

In the late 1890s a new Ashmont train station was built on the west side of the train tracks on the land where the land is today. Earlier, the station was on the north side of Peabody Square in the v between Dorchester Avenue and Talbot Avenue.  The station in the illustration today is the one that served Ashmont from the late 1890s until the change-over to rapid transit in the late 1920s, when a brick headhouse was placed approximately where the headhouse is today.


The site of the station in the illustration today had been the site of the All Saints Episcopal Church, but when the new church building opened on Ashmont Street, the church no longer needed the land where their former wooden building stood on Dorchester Avenue.



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Dorchester Illustration no. 2166 Word War I postcard

Dorchester Illustration no. 2166


Postcard sent from the front in World War I, postmarked Aug. 7, 1918 to Miss Laurette Moulton, 1683 Dorchester Avenue, Dorchester, Massachusetts, USA.


How are all you at home.  Suppose by the time you get this card, you will be thinking of starting back to school again; and be sure you study French so you can be a nurse in the next war and know how to take to the people over here.  Maybe this war will last long enough.  Some of us are at [unreadable] on detached service for a while about 25 miles from the[readable].  Many Mass. wounded boys here.  Just heard last night that Soissons had been taken again by the allies.  Best wishes you all.  Private Harold Jenks, Mobile Operating Unit no. 1, section 2. Amer. Exp. Forces



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October 19, 2014 2 pm Listen Up: the Music of the Beatles

As the 50th anniversary of the arrival of the Beatles in the US comes to a close, re-live a little personal history at DHS.


Delvyn Case, professor of music at Wheaton College, will present a musical introduction the brilliant early songs by The Beatles, including “I Want to Hold Your Hand,” “She Loves You,” and “Eleanor Rigby,” discussing how their musical and lyrical attributes combine to create what he calls “perfect” pop songs.

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DorcHester Illustraton no. 2165 Ashmont Street

Dorchester Illustration no. 2165


Postcard with a view eastward along Ashmont Street from the intersection of Ashmont, Ocean and Burt Streets.  About 1910.


The house at the far right is 121 Ashmont Street, then 123, 131, 139, 145.


The most dramatic change has been to 123 Ashmont Street, which has lost its tower.  Building permits indicate that the tower was taken down in 1952.  The porch on the first floor was enclosed earlier, but the jalousy windows now in place were probably installed in the 1950s.



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Dorchester Illustration no. 2164 Dorchester Historical Society

Dorchester Illustration no. 2164


Dorchester Historical Society fundraiser, Dinner  at Willow Court, encourages period clothing anywhere from the Edwardian Era to the Roaring 20s.  What will you wear?  Pearls, hat?  The attached illutration introduces our host comedienne Deb Farrar-Parkman.


The Society received awards over the years for the restoration of the Blake House and the Clapp Family Barn, and this would not have been possible without your contributions.  We now need to work on the Lemuel Clap House and the William Clapp House.  Please come to Dinner at Willow Court wearing whatever you like.   


Tickets to the Dorchester Historical Society’s Dinner at Willow Court are available through the website or by check sent to the Dorchester Historical Society, 195 Boston Street, Dorchester, MA  02125 or by cash or check at Cedar Grove Gardens.


Tickets are $150. Please see the Society’s website for a description of the event.



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This Old Barn

This Old Barn

Instead of a picture, today we have a link


Please take a look at this article published by the Dorchester Reporter


Tickets to the Dorchester Historical Society’s “Dinner at Willow Court” are available through the website or by check sent to the Dorchester Historical Society, 195 Boston Street, Dorchester, MA  02125 or by cash or check at Cedar Grove Gardens.


Tickets are $150. Please see the Society’s website for a description of the event.



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Dorchester Illustration no. 2162 Dorchester Fireproof Storage Warehouse

Dorchester Illustration no. 2162


Scan of advertisement  in the collection of the Dorchester Historical Society, showing the Dorchester Fire-Proof Storage Warehouse behind the Humphreys House.


Jonas Humphrey purchased his land in 1637 from William Hammond who moved to Windsor, Connecticut.  The Humphreys house was built near what is now the corner of Dudley Street and Humphrey Street, just west of Upham’s Corner.  The illustrations of the house that are known to us show an 18th century alteration and additions to the original structure.


In 1917 the family sold the property and moved from the old house, allowing its demolition.  They had already apparently sold the back part of the property for the construction of the Dorchester Fireproof Storage Warehouse, so it is not surprising that they decided to move out of the old home.



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Sept. 26, 2014 Dorchester Historical Society Fundraiser

The Board of the Dorchester Historical Society

Requests That You Kindly Reserve the Date for “Dinner at Willow Court”

Friday, September 26, 2014

Commencing at 6 o’clock in the evening at DHS Headquarters.

A festive evening to recall the style and elegance of earlier times. Cocktails and seated dinner, live auction, with Master of Ceremonies Deb Farrar-Parkman.  Period attire, a la Downton Abbey, encouraged: Victorian, Edwardian, Roaring Twenties, upstairs or downstairs.  Proceeds to benefit the DHS Building Restoration.

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