October 19, 2014 2 pm Listen Up: the Music of the Beatles

As the 50th anniversary of the arrival of the Beatles in the US comes to a close, re-live a little personal history at DHS.


Delvyn Case, professor of music at Wheaton College, will present a musical introduction the brilliant early songs by The Beatles, including “I Want to Hold Your Hand,” “She Loves You,” and “Eleanor Rigby,” discussing how their musical and lyrical attributes combine to create what he calls “perfect” pop songs.

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DorcHester Illustraton no. 2165 Ashmont Street

Dorchester Illustration no. 2165


Postcard with a view eastward along Ashmont Street from the intersection of Ashmont, Ocean and Burt Streets.  About 1910.


The house at the far right is 121 Ashmont Street, then 123, 131, 139, 145.


The most dramatic change has been to 123 Ashmont Street, which has lost its tower.  Building permits indicate that the tower was taken down in 1952.  The porch on the first floor was enclosed earlier, but the jalousy windows now in place were probably installed in the 1950s.



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Dorchester Illustration no. 2164 Dorchester Historical Society

Dorchester Illustration no. 2164


Dorchester Historical Society fundraiser, Dinner  at Willow Court, encourages period clothing anywhere from the Edwardian Era to the Roaring 20s.  What will you wear?  Pearls, hat?  The attached illutration introduces our host comedienne Deb Farrar-Parkman.


The Society received awards over the years for the restoration of the Blake House and the Clapp Family Barn, and this would not have been possible without your contributions.  We now need to work on the Lemuel Clap House and the William Clapp House.  Please come to Dinner at Willow Court wearing whatever you like.   


Tickets to the Dorchester Historical Society’s Dinner at Willow Court are available through the website www.dorchesterhistoricalsocietyblog.org or by check sent to the Dorchester Historical Society, 195 Boston Street, Dorchester, MA  02125 or by cash or check at Cedar Grove Gardens.


Tickets are $150. Please see the Society’s website for a description of the event.



The Dorchester Illustration is sent occasionally. If you receive this e-mail by mistake, please reply to be taken off the e-mail list. If you know others who would like to receive the daily e-mail, please encourage them to join the group by going to http://groups.google.com/group/dorchester-historical-society. You may contact Earl Taylor at ERMMWWT@aol.com

If you value receiving the illustration, please express your appreciation by making a donation to the Dorchester Historical Society, either by regular mail at 195 Boston Street, Dorchester, MA 02125, or through the website at www.DorchesterHistoricalSociety.org

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This Old Barn

This Old Barn

Instead of a picture, today we have a link




Please take a look at this article published by the Dorchester Reporter


Tickets to the Dorchester Historical Society’s “Dinner at Willow Court” are available through the website www.dorchesterhistoricalsocietyblog.org or by check sent to the Dorchester Historical Society, 195 Boston Street, Dorchester, MA  02125 or by cash or check at Cedar Grove Gardens.


Tickets are $150. Please see the Society’s website for a description of the event.



The Dorchester Illustration is sent occasionally. If you receive this e-mail by mistake, please reply to be taken off the e-mail list. If you know others who would like to receive the daily e-mail, please encourage them to join the group by going to http://groups.google.com/group/dorchester-historical-society. You may contact Earl Taylor at ERMMWWT@aol.com

If you value receiving the illustration, please express your appreciation by making a donation to the Dorchester Historical Society, either by regular mail at 195 Boston Street, Dorchester, MA 02125, or through the website at www.DorchesterHistoricalSociety.org

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Dorchester Illustration no. 2162 Dorchester Fireproof Storage Warehouse

Dorchester Illustration no. 2162


Scan of advertisement  in the collection of the Dorchester Historical Society, showing the Dorchester Fire-Proof Storage Warehouse behind the Humphreys House.


Jonas Humphrey purchased his land in 1637 from William Hammond who moved to Windsor, Connecticut.  The Humphreys house was built near what is now the corner of Dudley Street and Humphrey Street, just west of Upham’s Corner.  The illustrations of the house that are known to us show an 18th century alteration and additions to the original structure.


In 1917 the family sold the property and moved from the old house, allowing its demolition.  They had already apparently sold the back part of the property for the construction of the Dorchester Fireproof Storage Warehouse, so it is not surprising that they decided to move out of the old home.



The Dorchester Illustration is sent occasionally. If you receive this e-mail by mistake, please reply to be taken off the e-mail list. If you know others who would like to receive the daily e-mail, please encourage them to join the group by going to http://groups.google.com/group/dorchester-historical-society. You may contact Earl Taylor at ERMMWWT@aol.com

If you value receiving the illustration, please express your appreciation by making a donation to the Dorchester Historical Society, either by regular mail at 195 Boston Street, Dorchester, MA 02125, or through the website at www.DorchesterHistoricalSociety.org

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Sept. 26, 2014 Dorchester Historical Society Fundraiser

The Board of the Dorchester Historical Society

Requests That You Kindly Reserve the Date for “Dinner at Willow Court”

Friday, September 26, 2014

Commencing at 6 o’clock in the evening at DHS Headquarters.

A festive evening to recall the style and elegance of earlier times. Cocktails and seated dinner, live auction, with Master of Ceremonies Deb Farrar-Parkman.  Period attire, a la Downton Abbey, encouraged: Victorian, Edwardian, Roaring Twenties, upstairs or downstairs.  Proceeds to benefit the DHS Building Restoration.

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Dorchester Illustration no. 2161 St Ann’s Episcopal Church

Dorchester Illustration no. 2161


Postcard. Caption on front St. Anns Episcopal Church, Dorchester, Mass.  Postmarked Feb. 7, 1906 with one-cent stamp.

The building is located at 10 East Cottage Street near Dudley Street.  The building is currently owned by Defenders of the Faith Christian Church.



The Dorchester Illustration is sent occasionally. If you receive this e-mail by mistake, please reply to be taken off the e-mail list. If you know others who would like to receive the daily e-mail, please encourage them to join the group by going to http://groups.google.com/group/dorchester-historical-society. You may contact Earl Taylor at ERMMWWT@aol.com

If you value receiving the illustration, please express your appreciation by making a donation to the Dorchester Historical Society, either by regular mail at 195 Boston Street, Dorchester, MA 02125, or through the website at www.DorchesterHistoricalSociety.org

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Dorchester Illustration no. 2160 Dorchester Bicycle Club

Dorchester Illustration no. 2160


This announcement for the Dorchester Bicycle Club is one of the earliest postcards in our collection.


The Dorchester Illustration is sent occasionally. If you receive this e-mail by mistake, please reply to be taken off the e-mail list. If you know others who would like to receive the daily e-mail, please encourage them to join the group by going to http://groups.google.com/group/dorchester-historical-society. You may contact Earl Taylor at ERMMWWT@aol.com

If you value receiving the illustration, please express your appreciation by making a donation to the Dorchester Historical Society, either by regular mail at 195 Boston Street, Dorchester, MA 02125, or through the website at www.DorchesterHistoricalSociety.org

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September 26, 2014 Dinner at Willow Court – Fundraising Gala

The Board of the Dorchester Historical Society

Requests That You Kindly Reserve the Date for “Dinner at Willow Court”

Friday, September 26, 2014

Commencing at 6 o’clock in the evening at DHS Headquarters.

A festive evening to recall the style and elegance of earlier times. Cocktails, seated dinner, and live auction.  Period attire, a la Downton Abbey, encouraged: Victorian, Edwardian, Roaring Twenties, upstairs or downstairs.  Proceeds to benefit the DHS Building Restoration.

Buy tickets by clicking on the info about the Gala in the center of the home page of www.dorchesterhistoricalsocietyblog.org

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Dorchester Illustration no. 2159 Dorchester High School Football Team

Dorchester Illustration no. 2159 Dorchester High School Football Team

Dorchester Illustration no. 2159


October 11, 1974.  Praise for Team’s Rescue.  Boston Mayor Kevin White brings words of praise Friday to the football field at Dorchester High School in the city plagued with racial violence.  The school football team, mostly black, rescued twin white sisters who were being beaten by about 30 other black youths.



The Dorchester Illustration is sent occasionally. If you receive this e-mail by mistake, please reply to be taken off the e-mail list. If you know others who would like to receive the daily e-mail, please encourage them to join the group by going to http://groups.google.com/group/dorchester-historical-society. You may contact Earl Taylor at ERMMWWT@aol.com

If you value receiving the illustration, please express your appreciation by making a donation to the Dorchester Historical Society, either by regular mail at 195 Boston Street, Dorchester, MA 02125, or through the website at www.DorchesterHistoricalSociety.org

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